"Every scripture is God-breathed....so that the man of God may be complete
and proficient, well-fitted and throughly equipped for every good work."
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 AMP)

Words for The Heart Thoughts from the Soul
Sometimes it just has to be said! The expressions, the words must spill out of our mouths - holding back will do us in! Did your mother ever tell you that you just had to have the last word? I remember hearing it said, "Watch your mouth!" or "Just say it and get it off your chest! But you better be careful what you say! " Well those of us that had to have our say knew we weren't going to miss out on an golden opportunity to express what our hearts were aching to share! I suspect that our friend TonyL. Jefferson, Jr. doesn't suffer with that problem of burying his words either.
A man with a heart to share-oh what a wonderful thing! Just prepare yourself to embrace the sentiment! Meet a beloved poet and visual artist with a compassionate spirit and a yearning for soul seeking truths and righteouness. Yes,that's him. Tony L. Jefferson, Jr. a military man ( US Army), passionate about our/his humanity, emploring his readers to examine our/his responsibility to one another, the universe and yes, appreciating his/our calling to live our best lives, that's who this young man is.
Read his work, I'm sure you'll concurr, it's evident that he's living in step with the divine! His is a heatbeat in rythm to the tune of God's love. I applaud his work, his energy and respect this poet's voice which crys out in the wilderness to see past our selves, reach for brighter days and believe that all things are possible. I entreat you to become familiar with the outstanding blog of: Poetic MindState Words for The Heart Thoughts from the Soul !
Come on friends, listen with receptive spirits while you then lovingly speak your minds and hearts and be assured that God has equipped us for the journey ahead! Speak to our hearts Holy Spirit!

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.
Nobody hears the world cry
They just stand by and watch it die
But I heard its soul weep
What a sad sound it was
The sound was soulful and very deep
I say, “hey there world, why do you cry?”
It says to me with a sorrowed tone
No one respects me
No one cares
I feel so neglected
But I have hope to be corrected
Unappreciated is the feeling I feel most
The people that walk me do nothing but boast
They say hey look what I did today
Instead of saying thank you earth for providing the necessities
Because of you world my life can be prosperous
The earth grew a soul and I heard it speak
It said save me from myself
Cause I am spinning out of control
Nobody hears the world cry
They just stand by and watch it die
But I heard its soul weep
What a sad sound it was
The sound was soulful and very deep
I say, “hey there world, why do you cry?”
It says to me with a sorrowed tone
No one respects me
No one cares
I feel so neglected
But I have hope to be corrected
Unappreciated is the feeling I feel most
The people that walk me do nothing but boast
They say hey look what I did today
Instead of saying thank you earth for providing the necessities
Because of you world my life can be prosperous
The earth grew a soul and I heard it speak
It said save me from myself
Cause I am spinning out of control
Poetry printed with author's permission
Lovingly Submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
I am truly humbled with this posting about me! I thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and i appreciate you taking the time to write these kind words about me. I will continue to strive for the best and hopefully in my endeavors someone is helped by what i have to say!
My Sincere Thanks,
Tony L. Jefferson, Jr
Poetic MindState
You are most welcome! God is blessing you and your work and that's a wonderful thing to witness.
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