You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”
—Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), 28th U.S. President
—Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), 28th U.S. President
Thanks to the quote of the day from Foundations For A Better Life. This inspirational quote also encouraged my heart. Admittedly, I am upset, yes really angry, but understand that I can’t let these frustrations hinder my goals (as I prepared for work this morning-that thought layed heavy on my mind)-yes we’ve got to speak life into our situations and encourage ourselves during those instances. I truly am internalizing that now!
I was blown away when I discovered I couldn’t enter my personal email, only to discover that hackers, thieves, and bandits whatever you wish to call these folks. My husband informed me that a relative phoned him and wondered if I were ok? I was puzzled by the inquiry and continued on with work. I then received an email which made it very clear. Apparently the hackers sent all my e-contacts a letter indicating that I was stranded in England (a place I’ve yet to visit), lost my wallet (heaven forbid) and needed a great sum of money to return to the US. The suggested way I was allegedly going to return home was by my contacts going to Western Union wiring money.
Lord knows my heart hurts just to share this nonsense! It’s a SCAM!! A LIE, FRAUD! This fabulous and elaborate tale was shared with all my family, friends, new contacts, colleagues and whoever received this contrived mess! They must still be scratching their heads! I’ve requested from HOT MAIL that this account be disabaled-certaintly I can’t use it, but I want the crooks stopped because they are sending messages with my name attached. Oh I pray that others can see through this lie!
Friends I want vindication, I want an immediate resolution, certainly I don’t want my character maligned or integrity questioned. I’ve contacted the proper authorities and taken measures to contact law enforcement, Western Union, Hot Mail, etc., etc! But the truth is: just maybe I will miss seeing the crooks apprehended, just possibly this matter of closing out my hotmail account will take longer than I had hoped for- (automated messages seem to be protocol-I’ve been unable to speak with a human being) and just possibly some unsuspecting soul is being set up now and they too will suffered through the uncertainty of having their email compromised and identity stolen!
Friends, safeguard your identity as best you can. Google sites that educate you about combating identity fraud. But more importantly know that God still sits on the throne and cares about what concerns us! Take heart, share your frustrations with Him, don’t abandon your dreams and visions. Don’t be consumed by the evil, breathe! And take comfort- trust that what the enemy meant for our demise, well God meant it for your good! Tuck this scripture in your heart and move on! We will be all right!!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Joyfully Submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lesson’s and God’s Promises
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