Young man of Great Character!
Amazing, Allen Geui!
Amazing, Allen Geui!
Often when I read something regarding scripture and history, I realize how much I’ve yet to learn! Good thing I am generally eager and hungry to learn more! I love interesting facts and am especially appreciative of those folks that love spouting little known facts and entertain us with those by the way conversations. The moment that revelation hits, I envision my brain being like computer circuit board or better yet a tiny bud restored with the droplets of a new found, refreshing shower of rain! It’s time to contemplate new information, new thinking, brand spanking new information. I am sure that there’s a fascinating reaction occurring, growth and nourishment are partnering for new found sustenance. That’s what I imagine folks! And so when I read this commentary regarding Luke 6:38 my spirit was marveling in an Ah ha moment!
Barnes’ Notes on the BibleThis scripture and the commentary are connecting beautifully with one of the kindest gestures I know and that is to share. So there we have it, in our bosoms, our pockets, purses we can give and receive. Give what? Carry what? Provide what you ask? Let me start by sharing an observation and asking you this question first? Can you imagine forking over 40k? Yes, no not 40 dollars or 40 cents! But, giving $40,000? In this day and time with economic hardship lounging in our family rooms, kicked back wearing our beloved overrun slippers! True we may not have that kind of money at our disposal but don’t let giving hinder that. Well many folks do it daily and don’t blink. It’s a known fact, that there are givers who enjoy doing so and are always encouraging others to jump on the band wagon. Collectively they galvanize their friends, create streams of giving, stroke checks or jump start foundations and off they go.Can you imagine in your best life having enough to share, no fanfare, just giving because it feels like the right thing to do? We are hard pressed on many days agonizing on how we’ll pay our electric bills and soaring cell phone bills. But whether we are clutching our purses or squeezing our hands tight change does happen. Just possibly not on our clocks. So if we embrace that philosophy we can give out of our need. What does the scripture encourage us to do:
Good measure - They shall give you good measure,
or “full” measure.
Pressed down - As figs or grapes might be, and thus many
more might be put into the measure.
Shaken together - To make it more
compact, and thus to give more.
Running over - So full that the measure
would overflow.
Shall men give - This is said to be the reward of “giving”
to the poor and needy; and the meaning is that the man who is liberal will find
others liberal to him in dealing with them, and when he is also in circumstances
of want. A man who is himself kind to the poor – who has that “character”
established – will find many who are ready to help “him” abundantly when he is
in want…
Into your bosom - That is, to you. The word “bosom” here has
reference to a custom among Oriental nations of making the bosom or front part
of their garments large, so that articles could be carried in them, answering
the purpose of our pockets. Compare Exodus 4:6-7; Proverbs 6:27; Ruth 3:15.
Reference re: << Luke 6:38 >> Barnes’ Notes on
the Bible- Biblos , http://bible.cc/luke/6-38.htm
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure–
pressed down, shaken together and running over. For by your standard of measure
it will be measured to you in return.”
Luke 6:38
You’ve heard spread the wealth and pass the potatoes. Ok I am being silly, but I believe that the importance of giving forward initiates that act. It becomes natural and like a domino effect.
Thank you Lord for one of the finest examples I recently learned of by way of the Compton Basketball star Allen Geui who dazzled his team mates, onlookers and others during a foul shooting contest that was designed to spark community support and provide college scholarships.
The contest’s creator’s intention was created to simply shine a positive light on Compton’s High School and dispel the negativity felt regarding Compton’s youth and culture! Google his name and this link: http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1237085 to learn about his star basketball shot! This young man will cause you to appreciate all the more the concept of carrying plenty in your bosom and not withholding generosity to impact the lives of others for the good! So here we have it Allen Geui at the foul line, about to make a historic shot and change the complexion and dimension of true grit and character! He’s my designated poster person for CHARACTER!
Swish and there it is, no ordinary shot, no average basketball player! The successful basket is electrifying- the crowd is cheering, the arena is erupting, the media is buzzing, camera’s flashing, college recruiter’s high fiving and the relatives beaming and friends shouting with pride! Let’s not omit the oversized reward check earmarked for the winner! It was well earned and Allen Geui’s for the taking. ( No haters need apply!) But the moment doesn’t conclude there! It wasn’t just about singing all the way to the bank. Instead of coveting this moment- the realization must have been birthed in his spirit to embrace another possibility! Out of his boom moment, his resolve, flowed a wealth of opportunities to carve out a new path and stamp his signature on a new letterhead.
In a single moment and with a remarkable decision, the flood gates erupted and I am convinced heaven was applauding! I am not sure who ignited the compassion and heart for giving in Allen Geui; I am not sure if he fully contemplated the significance of his amazing generosity. But the evidence of it was clear with his insight to give, give what many of his classmates needed which was more than lip service about partnerships and team camaraderie; it was cash to attend their selected colleges!
Months after Geui collected his college scholarship winnings of $40,000, he wowed the contestants, several of which where his team mates by providing them with his total winnings.
Who does that! Oh my Lord doesn’t that just send chills down your spine? He realized that his teammates desired to also attend college and many of them hadn’t received scholarships and were in need of the funds. No dollars, no college! He changed that! Talking about giving it forward - and men shall give unto your bosom. This occurrence is indeed awe inspiring, it smacks of the biblical era of pouring into the pouch, the bosom of another and the recipient receiving the king’s reward, an overflow of the bounty! What an outstanding gift, both tangible and intangible. Allen’s giving will have a ripple effect for generations of Compton students to come! And I pray the world!
This young man has already received a college scholarship and I would not be surprised if this is just the tip of the iceberg for him. As the sower he’ll continue to reap a reward of magnitude proportions. His giving swells and spills over and touches countless others too many to know and too important to fathom. Just the act of standing at the foul line and including other contestants shouts winner! Let’s rally around this team captain! So the question remains, give what you ask? I say very easily- give your time, talent and certainly a few dollars to the almighty cause wouldn’t hurt! Just ask Allen he’s a young man with character and lots of ingenuity!
Thank you Lord for the game changers in our lives that see beyond themselves reach into their pouches and encourage us by their acts of giving to strive, live, to dream and to never ever abandon hope for our best days are in front of us! Often they give what we have no means of. Thank you Lord that they felt the tug on their hearts, provided the essential resources for our good! Remind us Lord to follow your lead and will, when it’s our turn to step forward to the foul line and make life changing baskets. We endeavor to begin living with greater hearts, integrity and intentions of giving forward. Thank you Lord for your marvelous love and your word that reminds us that: However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” – 1 Corinthians 2:9
We give all honor and glory to you and in your son Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen!
Sharing With Great Joy,
Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of:
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine