Then the Lord restored the fortunes of[a] Zion,
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy
Psalm 126:1-3
The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut's Service of New Ministry
St. Luke's noble ancestors and elders,established June 1844

Father Richard Dean Meadows, Jr (Priest) and Sister Linda Meadows (wife)
Rev. Matthew L. Brown,
Pastor, Teacher
(Homilist for Occasion delivered a powerful message of hope and faithful conviction!)
Regal Processional for Installation
Applauds from congregation
and The Rt. Reverend Laura J. Ahrens, Suffragan Bishop
during the introduction of St. Luke's 17th priest of St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Father Richard D. Meadows, Jr. and "Joyous" Family
Masterful interpretative dance:
"The Journey to Calling"
by Wes Yarbor
Gospel Medley by Rev. Paulette Thompson-Clinton
I Believe I Can Fly, St. Luke's Steel Band
We joyously celebrated one of the newest ministries in New Haven, CT. The presence of the Lord was evident during this historic installation service for St. Luke's 17th Rector, Rev. Richard Dean Meadows, Jr. The prelude performances of Rev. Paulette Thompson-Clinton's duet with Maria Fusco our Musical Driector, our beloved St. Luke's Steel Band and the masterful interpretative dance by Wes Yarbor regarding Rev. Meadows' spiritual and personal journey were all outstanding and surely anointed. The stately and reverent processional reminded onlookers that collectively hearts, hands and prayers were the testament for this holy occasion. It was indeed a day we will long remember. The letter below was a part of the "installation booklet". As you read my settlements, you'll quickly grasp that all that our eyes witnessed and hearts experienced made for such a sweet, sweet day! Many thanks to you Lord!
*"Dearest St. Luke's Family,
My husband requested that I share a note with you and
today it seems that I'd rather sing then write. In my spirit I am singing
because finally we've arrived at home in Connecticut
with you. It's refreshing and assuring that you also can attest to this! It's
an enthusiasm that seems to be bubbling up! It's that giddy, offbeat, joyous
song about a new day which has evidenced the "goodness of the Lord in the
land of the living!" Sandwiched in my spirit are many songs from the traditional
to the rousing musical numbers acknowledging that we've come this far by
faith-all to the glory of God.
Not long ago I traveled with my husband to Hartford ,
he was conducting business with The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut .
When he invited me along, originally I thought of it as "tagging
along"- an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing afternoon and simply marvel at
the fall foliage! This "joy ride" was reminiscent of our past
excursions which always seemed to evolve into something much deeper. My hunches
were right! Once again it was much more than I could have imagined! After our
quick arrival we met and greeted the warm Diocesan staff and before long, we
were perusing the aisles of Connecticut 's
parish publications, clergy resources and mounds of historic documents.
In The welcome mat was rolled out and there we sat in
the historic archives, marveling at the huge collection of books, artifacts and
the treasure trove of documents highlighting St. Luke's amazing heritage. And
then it was apparent this was God's intention! His intended mission that we
travel to the Diocesan Archives and see the elder's vision "up close” on
paper, in weathered photographs and be humbled by their massive mission,
appreciate their struggles, their victories and grasp a greater
understanding of the immensity of this call to serve St. Luke's! It was a field trip that I would forever honor. It
was as though a flood gate of enlightenment burst while we huddled together
reading newspaper clippings, clergy accounts and letters written in the 1800's,
all of it was mesmerizing! After my husband met with the Bishop I began
scouring over the insightful articles, gazing upon the aged black and
white photos, learning of the past church rectors, noted vestry and energetic
We were entreated with informative community
news, birth announcements,
salutations and memorabilia. Loyal and loving seemed to resonate in my spirit.
God was once again ordering our steps and giving us a glimpse into how St.
Luke's foundation was layered with dedicated ancestors and a community
collectively endeavoring to forge their way leaving an indelible imprint not
only in New Haven, the surrounding community but, also Haiti. It's no wonder we
are such an outstanding parish. Oh it gives me such pride and exhilaration that
now this HBCU graduate and post VTS seminarian stands on the shoulders of
forthright, determined, and insightful individuals. They were prayer
warriors- movers and shakers of their era (affecting us today). Now we will
stand confidently with St. Luke's Episcopal Church's 17th Rector, Rev. Father
Richard Dean Meadows, Jr. and continue in carving out our history's next
chapters. Yes, our stories will be filled with the complexities of our day, but
we will journey with Jesus, shepherded and growing spiritually. In our assured
faith walk we'll be confident that he's lead of the Lord. And it won't just be
a leisurely ride, but prayerfully an amazing mission.
We are a mission intent on
providing intentional ministry for generations to come-erecting lives, loving
the Lord and serving our neighbors. Oh St. Luke's, I thank God for merging our
paths and our hearts believing together with a prayerful countenance that with
God all things are possible! Oh it's wonderful to be in the hands of the Lord,
come on family let's sing to the Lord a new song, written for our time.
in God's Peace and Blessings,
Linda Mose Meadows"
Shared in Love, Linda Mose Meadows; Blogger, Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Author of: Destined To Receive: Reflections and Devotionals Celebrating The Love of God (Createspace, 2013) and Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate Publishing, 2007)