Love covers over all wrongs.
Proverbs 10:12
“Lord help me to have more compassion for others
not to only to be tolerant of some and
distant with others
but, to be loving and
but, to be loving and
kind especially to those I have a struggle with.”
That’s what's resonating in my spirit this afternoon friends. God knew that and blessed me with several e-messages.
Beliefnet has a very unique site which shares electronically empowering affirmations for your spiritual journeys, inclusive of a Prayer a Day. These prayers are timely!
I know it's no coincidence, receiving a word in season!.
I am sure your concur, the Holy Spirit speaks and addresses our heart's concerns? You are invited to also receive these spiritual nuggets, it’s yours for the asking. Simply visit the site and sign up for some very uplifting, edifying, reassuring and encouraging words (no matter your spiritual or religious beliefs). These words of wisdom and expressed love will cause you to wonder if the writers of these pieces hadn’t peaked into your thoughts or overheard your private conversations. Much of what is shared is divinely imparted, that I am convinced of. Here’s one such prayer that has spoken to my need and request:

A Heart to Love Thee
O Lord, who hast mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of thy Holy Spirit.Take away from me the heart of stone,and give me a heart of flesh,a heart to love and adore thee,a heart to delight in thee,to follow and to enjoy thee, for Christ's sake.
- Ambrose of Milan (c. 339-97)
Friends, I trust you too may have a prayer regarding ( you fill in the blank) and really need the strength to love through it all? Let me encourage you, don't become faint; stay strong-keep seeking and trusting, God will speak!
With Joy In Sharing,
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
(Tate Publishing, Nov. 2007)