~Radio Africa (experience w/your ears)~
Smithsonian Institute

We are god’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
For the love of art- was the theme that I desired to capture this morning. For several days I have been modifying a particular writing and it is wearing me out. There’s so much I want to say, but I really don’t meant to write a novel and bore you about Art! Ok, maybe later on I’ll write the book.
It’s no secret about my love for art. My extended family and parents played a major part in my passion. Growing up I listened to vintage jazz- “Sing Ella Baby” was what Mileka and I heard when her Daddy enjoyed his wonderful jazz collection. I giggled with Mileka when Daddy Wahab enthusiastically talked and listened as Ella Fitzgerald sang. Our Big Daddy-Rev. George Harris listened to his Italian arias as he played chess, read his books, and shared old black & white photos with us. I enjoyed his artistic Greek colliseum mural that he hung in his basement-it was the backdrop for this stimulating atmosphere. In our home, growing up there was an original abstract art piece painted by my Uncle Joe and a powerful pencil sketch of Malcolm X that one of the students presented to his English teacher, my Mama. I was reintroduced to museum and art gallery exhibits in grade school and before that my mother would hold my little hand and take me and my brothers to neighborhood and national art galleries during our summer visits to my grandparents in Washington, D.C.
Yes, my days were and are filled with art appreciation.
I did the same for my son-for the love of art when I enrolled him in a children’s art program at the Albright Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY). Those were fruitful Saturday morning activities for him and his young peers-tours and introduction of past and present artists from around the world. We loved the James VanDerZee exhibit.
Yes, I feel at home with my favorite pieces of art. Art in my home and office makes me happy; it changes a drab wall into an exciting, exhilarating space and boosts my vitality and creativity.
Friends, have you also noted that art lifts the spirit and transforms the soul? When you tire of bad news, run to art sites-it can ignite peace and stir the soul!Your perspective will change. Let the work speak to you, the artists create codes that a discerning heart can crack. The messages are spoken and it’s audible in the mind of the artists, but relayed to the heart of the admirer. The noted artist Jon Lockard says he understands that when an admirer grunts or nods their heads (when viewing his work), they are interpreting his message.
I appreciate and applaud visual and performing artist-I believe that God’s greatness and our blessedness is often conveyed in their work. Artists like: Bibbs, Goodnight, Lockard, Saint James, Poncho Brown, Gerome Meminger and the up and coming whose gift’s are so apparent. Thank you Lord for what is expressed through them.
On occasions when I don’t make it to the Virginia Art Museum, I lean on the internet. It is a marvel indeed. I am grateful for all of the e-art messages received which bless and encourage me to hold on to my faith, celebrate the inner beauty, and see new vistas right at work through my love of art. Here are several sites which restore me. Let’s consider this a virtual tour. I pray that you’ll also benefit from this and then be motivated to search out your nearest art gallery! But in the mean time for the love of art, just praise God for the ingenuity and the anointing of these artist:
It’s no secret about my love for art. My extended family and parents played a major part in my passion. Growing up I listened to vintage jazz- “Sing Ella Baby” was what Mileka and I heard when her Daddy enjoyed his wonderful jazz collection. I giggled with Mileka when Daddy Wahab enthusiastically talked and listened as Ella Fitzgerald sang. Our Big Daddy-Rev. George Harris listened to his Italian arias as he played chess, read his books, and shared old black & white photos with us. I enjoyed his artistic Greek colliseum mural that he hung in his basement-it was the backdrop for this stimulating atmosphere. In our home, growing up there was an original abstract art piece painted by my Uncle Joe and a powerful pencil sketch of Malcolm X that one of the students presented to his English teacher, my Mama. I was reintroduced to museum and art gallery exhibits in grade school and before that my mother would hold my little hand and take me and my brothers to neighborhood and national art galleries during our summer visits to my grandparents in Washington, D.C.
Yes, my days were and are filled with art appreciation.
I did the same for my son-for the love of art when I enrolled him in a children’s art program at the Albright Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY). Those were fruitful Saturday morning activities for him and his young peers-tours and introduction of past and present artists from around the world. We loved the James VanDerZee exhibit.
Yes, I feel at home with my favorite pieces of art. Art in my home and office makes me happy; it changes a drab wall into an exciting, exhilarating space and boosts my vitality and creativity.
Friends, have you also noted that art lifts the spirit and transforms the soul? When you tire of bad news, run to art sites-it can ignite peace and stir the soul!Your perspective will change. Let the work speak to you, the artists create codes that a discerning heart can crack. The messages are spoken and it’s audible in the mind of the artists, but relayed to the heart of the admirer. The noted artist Jon Lockard says he understands that when an admirer grunts or nods their heads (when viewing his work), they are interpreting his message.
I appreciate and applaud visual and performing artist-I believe that God’s greatness and our blessedness is often conveyed in their work. Artists like: Bibbs, Goodnight, Lockard, Saint James, Poncho Brown, Gerome Meminger and the up and coming whose gift’s are so apparent. Thank you Lord for what is expressed through them.
On occasions when I don’t make it to the Virginia Art Museum, I lean on the internet. It is a marvel indeed. I am grateful for all of the e-art messages received which bless and encourage me to hold on to my faith, celebrate the inner beauty, and see new vistas right at work through my love of art. Here are several sites which restore me. Let’s consider this a virtual tour. I pray that you’ll also benefit from this and then be motivated to search out your nearest art gallery! But in the mean time for the love of art, just praise God for the ingenuity and the anointing of these artist:
Joyfully Submitted by Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing-
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises