“You can't stay in your corner of the forest
waiting for others to come to you.
You have to go to them sometimes.” A.A.
Milne (1882-1956), English Author
I had an awesome ministry field trip this morning! Thanks to Sister/Mrs. Amy Wormley (President of St. Luke's Services) for the insightful visit to The Diaper Bank! Meeting the staff, seeing the warehouse with diapers, including baby essentials and watching the busy volunteers-instantly I understood how essential this service is! And certainly it provides rays of sunshine and hope for countless parents needing costly diapers and essential baby items for their little ones.

Kudos to the Business Manager, Yury Maciel-Andrews and her
dedicated team for their worthy calling! They are the hands and hearts
distributing diapers by the truck loads to many community service agencies via "community partners".
These folks are delivering the diapers-connecting the dots and doing a great work! Looking
for the right organization to seed your gifts? Look no further-support a worthy
cause like this which provides diapers for the multitude!
Learn more about the diaper bank by visiting www.thediaperbank.org and if
you're aware of a parent needing assistance in the New Haven community contact
St. Luke's Services at: 203-865-0141 ext. 106 because we too have a heart to make a
difference. Yes, we endeavor to connect/provide/deliver resources that meet the need! We at St. Luke's Episcopal Church (New Haven, CT.) thank God for the many effective community partnerships! Truly, it's a blessing to witness faith in action! Friends come on and join in with connecting the dots!
He told them, "The
harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Luke 10:2 NIV
Shared in Love, Linda Mose Meadows; Blogger, Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Author of: Destined To Receive: Reflections and Devotionals Celebrating The Love of God (Createspace, 2013) and Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate Publishing, 2007)