-Psalm 68:11
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Reader's With Attitude Book Review: The Blessedness of Believing
The Blessedness of Believing Author: Linda Mose Meadows
Rating: 5
This is a wonderful devotional book that will have you understanding why we must never forget how blessed we are. Believing has the power to get people through the toughest of times.If ever you need rejuvenation in hope, this is the book to pick up! Reminders of God and his promises to never leave or forsake us is intertwined within these pages. God’s sovereignty of being yea and amen is awesome and present in this book.
You can also find great enhancements of reinforcing your beliefs. This book also helps us to pray effectively. You don’t have to read in order of the book. You can just read according to your need. There was nothing that I didn’t like about this book. Any book that helps Christians have a better relationship with God, our father (Abba) is alright with me!
Reviewer: Lawrencewww.rwabookclub.comrwabookclub@yahoo.com
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10:16 AM, PermalinkKeep Holding On To Your Dreams Friends!
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate, Nov. 2007)