I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Psalm 63:2
It was amazing for me to witness how attentive the young college folks in my home were. It was Christmas break and they seemed to relax with the television on, lap tops plugged in and their smart phones in hand. They seemed hypnotized by one or the other, possibly mesmerized is more appropriate!
They huddled together and listened intently to the television and even commented in unison about the antics of several of the "stars" during a particular episode of some "Reality" show that I knew nothing of. I immediately wondered whose reality was this really? The star's strained tones, always boisterous, obnoxious behavior and argumentative conversations were exhausting.
But my focus shifted from the tirades when women began to speak at length about making New Year’s Resolutions, now that got my immediate attention. Admittedly I am out of touch with the recent line-up with this new crop of celebs on these reality shows, but their over dramatic personalities and one sided perspectives appeared very loop-sided, self serving, slanted and greedy for the most part. But it's not my call, not my "Reality" production, and certainly not my lifestyle being showcased. Let’s give each other a high five on that reality! But from what I could discern their rituals or habits have a lot to be desired. Maybe that was the fascination with why we watch these unscripted series. Or are they? But distinctly I heard (sensed their) preceived DEFEAT, with their pronouncements regarding and maintaining their New Year’s Resolutions.
Each person boldly shared with convincing gestures where they would and wouldn't frequent, what they planned on acquiring and the things that they'd not tolerate anymore. But no sooner than those pronouncements spilled from their mouths they shared that they realized that their resolutions were already going to be short lived (just like the standard resolutions that so many of us make). Often it's all for not. But I too have been there and done that! You know made an elaborate plan and strategy for the New Year which failed. So often we mean well, but our well planned out resolutions are short lived. Our stamina and commitment seems fleeting and we’re back to our old habits. The resolutions are gone bye-bye and generally don’t make it through the week. As we mature we dispense with this practice and it is back to business as usual! But something is really missing! Now I am trying to make no promises to myself or others that I sense are already futile. But I learned of a Divine source that pushes and prompts me! No resolution can do that! So after my good chuckle at the confusing reality show I realized that it was time to refocus, time to quiet myself, read , reflect, pray and get some spiritual direction. Is that you also? Later that morning I reached for a new addition to my inspirational library and read the following from Jesus Calling-Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young.
Try saying, “I trust You, Jesus" in
response to whatever happens to you. If there is time to think about whom I am
in all My Power and Glory; ponder also the depth and breadth of My Love for you.
This simple practice will help you see me in every situation, acknowledging my
sovereign control over the universe. When you view events from this
perspective-through the Light of my universal Presence-fear loses its grip on
you. Adverse circumstances become growth opportunities when you affirm your
trust in Me no matter what. You receive blessings gratefully, realizing they
flow directly from My hand of grace. Your continual assertion of trusting Me
will strengthen our relationship and keep you close to Me. Psalm 63:2; Isaiah
40:10-11; Psalm 139:7-10"
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Psalm 63:2 (NIV)
See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:10-11 (NIV)
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:7-10 (NIV)
With A Thankful Heart!Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine