As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the
highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.”
John F. Kennedy
(1917-1963); 35th Us President
John F. Kennedy
(1917-1963); 35th Us President
I am a new fan of the Artist, Clayton Singleton. I think Mr. Singleton is a delightful anomaly among men and women. He’s not only a very reflective individual, but he’s engaging, warm, insightful, witty and yes extremely artistic. I am sure others would agree with my observation and assessment of this art educator, motivational speaker and mentor! No he can't be pigeonholed! He’s a stellar individual that desires to impact the world in a most meaningful way. I had the distinct pleasure of participating in a very creative endeavor entitled: A SHOE OF YOUR OWN WORKSHOP and was that ever therapeutic, and not to overlook that it was just great fun to be creative! The focus was to tell your story with your very own shoes. Each workshop participant was invited to bring their worn and new “soles”.
The interesting shoes that each participant brought ignited lots of conversatiion and good laughter. Some of the shoes were sparkly, some were tennis shoes, high top sneakers, others were a part of their bygone days of a corporate uniform. Some shoes were playful, run over, a memorable hospital boot worn for foot surgery, some were a cute but uncomfortable sling backs (those were mine) and several were fierce stilettos. All of the shoes and boots seemed to have made a pronounced statement prior to the appliqués and paints. But afterwards these adorned creations magically sang with exuberance. The shoes varied just like their owners! We were all happily engaged and serious about this creative project. I thoroughly appreciated this artful expression on a Sunday afternoon at the d’Art Center.
It was a mutual sigh of disbelief when the time wound down. We weren’t ready to conclude. It was good medicine. Had it not been for my friend Linda, I would have missed out on a treat. Workshop participants were invited to a private viewing of the A SHOE OF YOUR Own exhibit in the Seldan Arcade's d’Art Center Gallery. It was evident that each featured artist shared not only their love for shoes, but stepped out of the confines of society’s dictates regarding footwear. Like the textile kaleidoscope of the stiletto’s created by Mixed Media/Textile Artist Peggy Beardslee, this was indeed some extremely artful interpretation.
Thanks to the brilliance of Clayton Singleton, this was no ordinary day! I encourage you to visit the Seldan Arcade filled with awesome art galleries and amazing artists at work! And be sure to stop in a visit Clayton Singleton. The instance you say, “Hello", you’ll know you’ve encountered an extraordinary human being! Give him my fondest regards when you see him! Since his parting words of wisdom, let him know we’re walking prouder and some of us are even skipping!
The d'ART Center
Selden Arcade
208 East Main St.
Norfolk, VA 23510
Phone: 757-625-4211 757-625-4211
Fax: 757-965-4091
Expressing Thanksgiving & Joy!
Linda Mose Meadows, Author & Inspirational Columnist:
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises
Linda Mose Meadows, Author & Inspirational Columnist:
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises