"Love may be the matter that keeps the stars in the firmament.
It may be. Love allows you to be tough and tender.
Love affords you the ability to be courageous."
~Maya Angelou~
Happy Mother’s Day to all nurturing hearts that
demonstrate the power of unconditional love.

Johnny, Stevie, Eric and Linda's
“Know therefore that the Lord your God, is God;
Probably one of the most difficult journeys I‘ve ever taken was my faith journey with my husband and son. This wasn’t just another intimate moment at the dinner table or a ride through the park; this journey was to a place I knew nothing about. Relocating to Virginia has been more than just a physical move it became a spiritual journey as well.
I am grateful that God kept my mother anchored when she faced hardships, especcially when my brothers and I needed her so much, when she couldn’t always lift up a prayer.
She didn’t topple over when life’s disappointments came. She continually assures me that when difficulties arise, “This too shall pass.” I marvel at my mother’s inner beauty when I think of her, speak with her and happily gaze upon her warm face. This retired English Teacher enjoys her friends and family, loves sharing books, a good scrabble game, watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. If there’s a challenge she has a word for you! Spirits are lifted with her genuine loving words of encouragement. In turn, I realize now I can confidently share with my mother the gift she 's easily provided me and my siblings to:
“Know therefore that the Lord your God, is God;
He is the faithful God,
keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations
of those who love Him and keep His commands”
(Deuteronomy 7:9)
(Deuteronomy 7:9)
Probably one of the most difficult journeys I‘ve ever taken was my faith journey with my husband and son. This wasn’t just another intimate moment at the dinner table or a ride through the park; this journey was to a place I knew nothing about. Relocating to Virginia has been more than just a physical move it became a spiritual journey as well.
This journey has taken me to a place where God has gotten our full attention. Our faith walk is now active and underway. Together my husband and I embraced a new faith walk filled with God’s promises. More than eleven years ago transitioning from Buffalo to Virginia was a difficult for me, my support system and loving mother weren’t in arms reach, that was tough! My mother, Clarinda is an absolute jewel- she is a devoted and caring woman. She has been there for me when my world was tumbling in; she was my reliable tutor and backup for my son when he was a little guy. Mom is often my sounding board and trusted friend. When I need sage spiritual guidance and girl talk it‘s definitely her. Her counsel is comforting, never self serving and self centered. I love her for all of that, especially her independence and conviction.
By example, my mother has instilled in me to be a woman of hope and to desire and strive to live above mediocrity. There’s a big world with so much good to give and receive. She encourages me further to trust God, listen to my inner voice and have faith in the Holy Scripture. This is another birthday and Mother’s Day fast approaching. What gift can I possibly give a mother who has loved unconditionally and is continually been generous beyond measure to four children and now there are grandchildren and extended family? She’s traveled to Greece, walked the beaches and roads of Dakar, Senegal, road on the motor bikes in the Bahamas and tasted Swiss chocolate in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s easy to discern she appreciates life!
Mama, who like me, many years ago traveled from Washington, D.C to a place with her husband and had to quickly adapt. God was right there, even in her seasons of lack and loneliness- that was not the end! As a child I witnessed her stretch meals, beautifully create my Easter ensembles and kindergarten sneaker bag sewn by hand. My brothers and I were groomed to love learning and be respectful. She burned the midnight oil in undergrad and then graduate school. Our bed time was Mama’s study time! I remind her that she told us in no uncertain terms that, “I am not going to have dumb children, get those book bags out!” She laughs at that now. Many days she was under tremendous stress, but her loving disposition towards us never changed!
I am grateful that God kept my mother anchored when she faced hardships, especcially when my brothers and I needed her so much, when she couldn’t always lift up a prayer.
She didn’t topple over when life’s disappointments came. She continually assures me that when difficulties arise, “This too shall pass.” I marvel at my mother’s inner beauty when I think of her, speak with her and happily gaze upon her warm face. This retired English Teacher enjoys her friends and family, loves sharing books, a good scrabble game, watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. If there’s a challenge she has a word for you! Spirits are lifted with her genuine loving words of encouragement. In turn, I realize now I can confidently share with my mother the gift she 's easily provided me and my siblings to:
Friends with divine expectation, I believe we can continue on our life’s journey. My dear Mama has given me the wonderful gift of God’s faithfulness. I celebrate my mother’s legacy with you who are holding God’s hand as we journey with faith in our hearts and hope in our spirits.
Sharing With Great Joy,