Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
Psalm 100:1
Here’s the 411 (the scoop) friends, some burning information that I just COULDN'T KEEP TO MYSELF! There’s an opportunity to have your published work receive free publicity, garnering the exposure and an audience that awaits you! Imagine that? There are no hidden charges , fees and hoops to jump through simply reference: Authors Promoting Authors
What a fresh idea one author lifting up the name of another comrade in an effort of support through a Blog aptly titled : Author Promoting Authors. We realize that it’s one thing to write a book but quite another journey to receive an opportunity to promote our beloved work. Kudos to Tina-Sue Ducross who conceived this idea. She's the author of the book No Shadows Left Behind.Let's reach out to this author and also support her work.
Again for Authors Promoting Authors inquires reach Tina at: authorspromotingauthors@gmail.com . Thank you Tina for the genuine consideration and committment shown other authors. God bless you!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thinking about self publishing and bypassing the tradition publishing house maze? Well I believe this resource will clarify some burning questions and provide you with direction on which publishing road you'll venture down. Thanks to Anita Harrell, Public Librarian I received this insightful article that you’ll glean excellent resources and advice from. We appreciate the love shown Anita! May God continue to show you abundantly!
Self-Publishers Flourish as Writers Pay the Tab
Published: January 27, 2009
Published: January 27, 2009

And for those persons that reside in the Virginia Tidewater Area there's
Word4Word Poets Open Mic Event - HRTownSquare.com at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Aromas Coffee House, 706 Town Center Drive. For more information, call 757-240-4650 or visit www.word4wordpoets.org. ...
Come on friends let's smell the coffee @ Aromas and share a divine word!
This was provided to you in the name of an Agape Love. Lord we thank you for allowing Tina and Anita to have the heart to bless us with their wonderful gifts and resources.
Keep believing and keep moving towards the mark my friends! Doors do open for us and life is good and God does order our steps. Just place one foot in front of the other (God's got your compass) and don't let go of the dreams that have been planted in You! To the most high God, may His majesty and dominion and power rest rule and abide!
With tremendous joy!
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises