A shining moment for me: visiting my dear friend, David and his family!
David, Jackie and their brilliant rock stars ! A beautiful family!
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled
by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude
of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
—Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965); theologian, philosopher, physician
As I reflect on the weekend before last, it was no ordinary Memorial Day Weekend. I have a heart of thanksgiving for all that my ears heard, my eyes witnessed and my heart contained. We found ourselves in Baltimore, Maryland covering lots of territory. The agenda was to attend my favorite artist’s Open House, see my beloved friend from my Bennett High School days and wrap up with a visit to see Sister Lorretto at the convent. This was a truly rewarding and memorable weekend. We weren't let down, for a moment it felt like a true vacation!
Celebrating the opportunity to visit with my high school friend, David and his family was an unforgettable treasure! The memories, great fish fry, the surprise appearance of our Bennett High School yearbook and laughter were an elixir! Friends the opportunity to reconnect with a dear friend and his precious loved ones really blessed our souls. They were so gracious and kind. It felt like a family reunion. David reminded me that we last time we visited each other was in 1979. I was on my way to grad school, he'd be starting college. Soon his career was being jumpstarted in news and broadcasting. It's 2009, this is certainly evident that time is fleeting! I’ll surely have to share a post about the importance of staying connected and reaching out to those that have impacted our life for the better. We can celebrate God's faithfulness over our life's journey.
Friends, I contend it’s a must do in our lives. Consider reaching out to some positive friends from the past, you’ll be surprised at how revived you feel. David and I shared that it’s probable that there are more days behind us, then ahead. But, indeed we’ve got lots of living yet to do.

My favorite artist: Larry Ponch Brown
A family pose with Poncho!In a word-exceptionable! That’s who Larry Poncho Brown is. There were missed opportunities in the past to attend Larry Poncho Brown’s Open Houses, but thank goodness not this occasion. My husband navigated our way and before long we were in Poncho's studio eating up the goodies and marveling at his creations! Wow, what an amazing artisan! His work defies labeling! Yes, I am truly a fan. Friends, kindly visit his virtual site to wet your artistic loving taste buds. You can acquire his work online to add to your collections. If you have the opportunity to stop by his gallery once, you’ll go back again and again. He’ll graciously receive you! Maybe we'll bump into each other at the next event? 
Sister Lorraine (Educational Director) & Sister Constance (Archivist)

On July 2, 1829 the Oblate Sisters of Providence was founded by Mother Mary Lange, OSP, and Rev. James Nicholas Joubert, SS as the first congregation of women religious of African descent. This was the beginning of a legacy that has thrived over the past 179 years in 25 cities in the United States, Cuba, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and most recently Africa. "
Cousin/ Sister Loretto and my Sweetie Ricky!
Finally, meet this remarkable order of The Oblate Sisters Of Providence. They are a unique order of nuns that are of African descent. They’ve unselfishly dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, providing solid educational opportunities and enriching the lives of those in impoverished communities in the United States and abroad for over 179 years.
Visit their website to learn of their spiritually enriching heritage. They've accomplished much and touched many lives. As we visited and worshipped with Sister Loretto, (our cousin), I had the distinct pleasure of meeting several more remarkable Sisters: Sister Constance and Sister Lorraine. They were warm, hospitable and genuinely joyful. I remarked that I had observed their joy.
Sister Constance smiled and replied, “Why not?” This made me chuckle and before long , we were discussing computers, education, my blog and how I'd enjoy sharing their heartfelt misssion with others.
It really touched my heart that they were so dedicated to their call, loved sharing their interests, and graciously spoke about their collective future endeavors (i.e. OSP Brick Drive for constructing addition living quarters for the sick and aging Sisters, they wish to increase the number of Friends and Volunteer Recruits, are actively seeking Support of the Lay Association, praying for the Canonization of Mother Mary Lange (founder), enhancing the educational wing for the children and maintaining the historical archives)-it was a blessing to be in their presence.
I pray your interest will be peaked regarding The Oblate Sisters of Providence; you’ll embrace their mission and get on board with them by providing your gifts and support where help is needed. I am partnering with them and hope my endeavors will make an impact. Love to all of the Sisters!
May God continue to keep David and his family, Brother Poncho and the Oblate Sisters in His perfect will.
Friends, I relish and celebrate these joyful encounters with you all.
I Pray that:
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
Jude 2
From My Heart to Yours!Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises