Awesome Artwork by Mr. Everna Taylor, Artist/“pictorial story teller”
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
—Helen Keller (1880-1968); author, lecturer, activist
—Helen Keller (1880-1968); author, lecturer, activist
Thanks Sounds of Blackness and Helen Keller, you’ve once again opened the eyes of my heart regarding having an optimistic spirit. It’s a “can do” spirit, it’s embracing the unseen, having the faith, the will, the tenacity to accomplish what’s been planted in your heart to do! I’ve just referenced Encarta and here’s the definition:
op·ti·mism [ óptə mìzzəm ]
1. tendency to expect best: the tendency to believe, expect, or hope that things will turn out well
2. confidence: the attitude of somebody who feels positive or confident
3. philosophy doctrine that our world is best: a philosophical doctrine, first proposed by Leibnitz, that ours is the best of all possible worlds
4. philosophy belief in power of good: the belief that things are continually getting better and that good will ultimately triumph over evil
I love it, love it, because that’s who I'm daily striving to be in the midst of my daily living, an optimist! There's a mandate God has placed over each of us. Good things in our lives will come to fruition. Friends, I really like acknowledging that evident spirit in others- it's the twinkle in their eyes, the glide in their steps, the upright posture that just can't be ignored! Is that you I see paving the way? If you said , "No not really." Go on look in the mirror, take a bow, blow a kiss at the wonderful creation -this divine creature staring back at you! Yes, surely there's that conquering, overcoming spirit deep within?
Last week I met some very unique folks ( i.e. Lauren, Audrey, Everna and John), which I contend exhibit a bright outlook, that optimistic persona and joy for life. This exuberance spills over into their work.
These remarkable people are visionaries on a mission to live out their passions. And, I might add they are very hopeful about their endeavors-I really appreciate that quality! They are a recent business owner, an artists whose setting his own standards, young musicians which love their craft, a recent gifted college grad and an phenomenal songstress! They are right around the corner, literally! Their shops/studios/and restaurant are located in the Tidewater Community (downtown Phoebus, Virginia).
Possibly you’ll stop by their studio, treat yourself to an evening of jazz, book your next meeting or grab a bite to eat and savor the realization that as an optimist we live by faith, not by sight! Entreat yourself to a new experience, venture out, reach forward and trust that God’s good is also on your horizon.
Phoebus Ultra Lounge Restaurant
31 East Mellen St.
Hampton, VA. 23669
John Vann, General Manager - Has a heart for doing great business!
31 East Mellen St.
Hampton, VA. 23669
John Vann, General Manager - Has a heart for doing great business!

Mr. Everna Taylor, Artist/ passionate “pictorial story teller”
Singing Sensation- Neo Soul, Jazz Artist
myspace.com/1nstrmnt or facebook under her name( Audrey Charity)
Super Key Boardist Extraordinaire!
Ms. Lauren Adams
We live by faith not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
Shared With Great JOY!
Linda Mose Meadows, Columnist and Inspirational author of:
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises (Tate Publishing, Nov. 2007). http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/