“Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.”
—William Arthur Ward(1921-1994); writer
After reading today’s Values.Com quote by William Arthur Ward, I just smiled and cherished this light bulb moment! Mr. Ward obviously had lived and learned a few things. His wisdom began with an action, some involvement-doing. What tremendous counsel; reminding us extend beyond ourselves, our circumstances! Participating, not waiting to be selected. Helping: volunteering first. Actively believing: practicing our faith. Demonstrating kindness: even when faced with dilemma of whether things are mutual agreeable or fair. Forgetting the wrongs done to us: wow that’s a tough one for me! Working: stepping into possibilities of making dreams realities. I am sure you agree that life holds many opportunities to observe listen and learn by doing?
It’s a cathartic realization that the more active we participate in life the better the results are. Life will show us some things! Yes, good and bad. My friend Cassandra once asked me: was I being a stump sitter? I didn’t realize that I was passively waiting, instead of actively progressing. That was a punch and a dose of harsh medicine, it was needed. But I’m glad to report I’ve got my wings of faith flapping. Those words jolted me! It got me active!
There are slogans like “Play to Win” and “You Have to be in it to Win It! usually these sayings are referencing the lottery. But we know the odds are often a million to one for collecting those desired mega bucks. But the truth is someone does win the cash; it just might not be us. In slick magazine and billboard ads we immediately recognize: “Just Do It!” This is an excellent opportunity for me to encourage you and say, “Stay in the game of life and keep at it!”
Yes we might languish on the stump for a while, but that is not where our comfort should lie. I’d like to believe that each day is a winning ticket, an opportunity to hold on to our faith with a life-force grip of “doing”. A grip that is strengthened with a determination to realize gifts and impact the world with dogged persistence.
Each new day is another opportunity to take God at His word packed with His promises and our life’s lessons. Let’s not forget to relish the aha moments. Here’s a billboard which is a virtual graduation gift entitled: IT'S AN AWESOME CHARACTER TRAIT: PERSISTENCE. I created this for my husband; hope it moves you towards your heart’s desire. Remember Good Advice is all around us!
Expressing Thanksgiving & Joy!
Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine