This is my comfort in my affliction,
for Your Word has given me life.-Psalm 119:50
How could it be that I had the priviledge of sitting in rocking chair on my back screened-in porch and watch the winds blow, see the broken tree limbs hit the ground with a heavy thud, witness the heavy rain appearing to fall at a peculiar angel , drenching the yard and comfortably read my Essence Magazine?
Yes, it's that peace that passes all understanding, I suspect! I could feel the breeze and experience the mist from the heavy rain occasionally wash across my face! And yes, I was undisturbed? It wasn't a flood, but it was a tropical storm.
There are too many occasssions when we can hardly stand, let alone sit calmly in a favorite chair and witness the malay of our topsy turby lives. But, I was blessed in this instance to be able to say to you my friends that God is our great comforter even during our trials and personal storms. Possibly the Holy Spirit is recommending that we sit in our spiritual/mental rocking chairs when the storms of life are raging and simply rest and be reassured in our souls that God has this thing under control. He's got it figured out and we don't have to be overwhelmed and afraid for our lives!
Much of what sustains me, even when I have no understanding of why I am "holding it together" is my heavenly/spiritual foundation which generations before me established. Their prayers continually carry me through the valley's and up the summits! Their prayers and pettions are the ministries that heal and bless me during these unpredictable turbulent times. And now like you, I have my own prayer closet, my arsenol of devotionals, my tried and true Holy Scripture, not to mention there's a neighborhood ministry that I can seek out, devoted friends with a word in season, love of family members both natural and extened that I can entrust with my burdened soul with. I am sure you agree that these indiviual and spritual resources are also healing ministries. Oh yes, there's a Grief Counselor that can be found on the internet or in the yellow pages and then there is me!
God has equipped me to boldly go before the throne and say what the matter is and what I have immediate need of. We children of the most high God have been given this wonderful priveldge. So join me in remembering God's constant love, His outstretched hands, His stirring our hearts to seek out His words that will wash over our weary and often rain soaked souls. We can take comfort that sometimes being absolutley still is the ministry that can provide a greater healing than we ever imagine! I belieive His word tells us to "Be still and know that I am God!!"
Take heart my friends and grab a glass of sweet tea or a cool drink of your liking and let's sit a while, rock and look out into the yard and watch God work His works of healing and restoration!
In Bishop Kenneth Ulmer's words, "Our God reins no matter the storm. God is King of the storm!" Enjoy listening to Bishop Ulmer's (Faith Central Bible Church) sermon: The Voice & The Storm on StreamingFaith.com at: http://www.streamingfaith.com/directory/odc.aspx?ProgramId=6260421
With a Greatful Heart!
Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate, Nov. 2007)
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