Born: June 9, 1964(1964-06-09)Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Died: May 15, 2009 (aged 44)Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Died: May 15, 2009 (aged 44)Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
--Wayman Tisdale
Wayman Tisdale Remembered-Tisdale reaches for his biggest rebound
It’s evident from the many well wishers that the world renowned and accomplished jazz bassist Wayman Tisdale made a huge impression not only on the basketball courts, during his youth and then on his jazz curcuit; but with all those that he came into contact with. He had so much compassion that after he had his leg amputated, he realized that there were those not able to afford the prosthetic devices and created a foundation to help lift their financial strain. I am assured from the articles and videos I've viewed that his was a fun loving heart. Surely there's a void that his family and friends now must battle through. My love goes out to them and the numerous other jazz fans that are in mourning.
This world certainly benefited from his creativity and contagious joy. When he spoke and he smiled -not many folks do that anymore. He enjoyed his Sooner’s College and NBA basketball career. But he really cherished "his first love": music! His musical career spans the globe with the many star studded legends he share jazz festival venues with. Like the title of his CD, he too was Way Up there not only in stature but with his musical genius! He ran with the “big dogs” of contemporary jazz. His reverence and sincere humility caused him to be in awe and appreciation of many of these celebrated jazz greats. Truly he was an accomplished musician that taught himself to play bass. Take a fond look at his WAY UP youtube video and marvel at this legend!

Wayman Tisdale and Jonathan Butler
(from Athlone, Cape Town, South Africa) who is a singer-songwriter and guitarist
are sharing in a happy moment!
He was challeneged with cancer but never conceded to the disease. His battle concluded on May 15th, 2009. I am confident that his soul is in heaven and that his musical impact on the world will be appreciated for decades to come. "Mr. Smooth Jazz" Waymon Tisdale- is now participating in the sweetest melodies in heaven. Yes my friends, he's way up there! We thank God for your outstanding life Wayman! Bravo to you for encouraging us to hold our heads up high. You've made an indelible imprint on the world!
If you desire to learn more about this extraordinary man and/or support the Wayman Tisdale Foundation which raises funds to assist amputees with the prosthetic process, which may not be covered by health insurance be sure to visit his foundation web site (simply click on his name).
With Joy In Sharing,
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate Publishing, Nov. 2007)