The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He will make me as surefooted as a deer [fn] and bring me safely over the mountains…
Hab 3:19
Audibly this prayer may have been much too long to share during Sunday’s service not to mention the awkward glares that I may have received for “this display.” it makes me chuckle at the thought. I am not sure if over the top is how it may have been perceived had I begun with my own litany of thanksgiving, hopefully someone would follow my example and not leave me hanging out there alone. As we move closer to Thursday and my realization that I’ll see my family on their own turf, really does make my heart sing one of those numbers where you make up the words cus you're just that excited. It seems only fitting to say, “Lord I just want to thank you!” So to honor God and this Season of Thanksgiving let me just share my heart:
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord you are truly remarkable- I thank you for many things and especially your acts of mercy that I publically attest to; it’s a blessing to be alive and know you for myself. My heart leaps for joy-you not only care for me, but what concerns me. You are my very breathe. I sense your presence
power in my life even on days when I have the blues.
Thank you for your Holy Scripture.
I would be a mess without your direction.
You are a wonderful and remarkable- a mighty force in our lives.
Holy, attentive, loving and reverent don’t adequately acknowledge all that you are.
When I wondered if I loose my faith and way, leaving my comfort zone in Buffalo, New York you answered me through scripture, inspirational music, encouraging books and the love of others-you kept me/us.
Ultimately my devotional was birthed: The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises-it really did happen in my valley experiences.
I am thankful for your favor.
I am living out my heart’s desire.
Yes, I am encouraged!
I blow kisses of gratitude to you Lord!
This prayer is a testament that you are my living anchor.
My soul is revived when I think about what could have been!
When I wondered about my Mama and Granny’s needs-
you reached out your mighty arm of protection
provided them with a circle of loved ones and resources.
I am humbled, none of the good that has been bestowed upon them
could have occurred without you!
Lord I bless your name!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the evidence of your presence in all of our lives : my brother and sister friends, especially my brother’s who are loving father’s and husband’s, the scholarships received for Mary and Michael,
the Counseling and Grieving Ministry for Ricky,
my trusted old car that continues to operate-moving me down the highway,
my brilliant God children, nieces, and nephews.
Jesus, Jesus you are Emmanuel, El Shaddi, Our Savior, Our Friend, Provider and Our Comforter.
Thank you for your rod and staff that comfort us and admonish me to live
not die in the wilderness.
Lord I am grateful for this season of hope and change
how you’ve allowed us to witness the outpouring of your never ending love!
Let me never forget to let my light shine
do great good as I reach out to others in your honor.
I bind all hindering spirits from my divine appointment and declare that Yes I believe in your power and word.
I’ll keep my eyes on you.
Lord I just want to thank you!
Joyfully submitted by:Linda Mose Meadows, AuthorThe Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's PromisesEnjoy other writings:Click on Blessed Chronicles http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/