I am so appreciative and thankful to Mrs. Sandra Williams–Bush, the Librarian and Branch Manager for blessing me with this opportunity to encourage the heart of another reader seeking to further understand God’s promises.

Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Library
1324 Jefferson Avenue Buffalo, NY 14208
1324 Jefferson Avenue Buffalo, NY 14208
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Psalm 136:1
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises by Linda Mose Meadows can be referenced at the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Public Library. Yes, this has occurred in my hometown of Buffalo, New York! I am honored! This is truly a “Wow” and a “Look at God” moment for me. I am so appreciative and thankful to Mrs. Sandra Williams–Bush, the Librarian and Branch Manager for blessing me with this opportunity to encourage the heart of another reader seeking to further understand God’s promises.

It’s heartwarming to know that my devotional now resides in a public, state of the art architectural treasure. The Merriweather Library houses an exciting collection of literary/audio works inclusive of an African American Resource Room, adult and youth reading rooms, a technology training lab, and an auditorium. This impressive, 20,000 square foot facility is designed by the distinguished Architect Robert Traynham Coles. Its artful African motif is located at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Utica Street. Not only is the building striking, but the notable and extraordinary works which promote community-wide literacy and empowerment are ongoing!

Friends, it brings me sweet joy to know that the former North Jefferson Library which I visited constantly with my (then elementary school aged) son has built an outstanding facility which remains on the East Side of Buffalo, NY. If you desire to freely peruse through my inspirational devotional, and other stimulating works, await your eager heart. I surely hope that God will speak to your circumstance. My devotional awaits you among other local authors in the William A. Miles Center for African and African-American Studies.

There’s no place like home! I am celebrating, humming probably off key and believing that with God all things are possible!
From My Heart to Yours!
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promiseshttp://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/