Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
James 2: 18-22
A Dominion Media International, LLC Publication
A Dominion Media International, LLC Publication
Tia Cooke is not only a woman with a great heart of faith, but a visionary! This young woman gets the ball moving and trusts God to do just what He's promised. Yes, it's evident she's a believer! She hasn't stopped to looked back since the inception of her recent heart's desire: Empower Magazine (July, 2010). Looking to check out more of this worker bee's endeavors visit: Dominion Media International on the web. You'll be pleasantly pleased with her marketing expertise. Kudos to my friend, Ms. Tia Cooke, Editor in Chief for the inception of her labor of love: Empower Magazine. This is not your atypical, run of the mill Christian magazine. This literary jewel is for everyone. It has hit the stands and you'll be glad to make it a part of your favorite magazine collection! Empower Magazine was created as a life-changing magazine that was purposely designed to instill hope for living in this turbulent world and navagating through this complex economy. It's filled with encouraging words and resources for today and the future!
In Ms. Cooke's words:
"It is my sincere prayer that [when] you turn each page, you will find hope, restoration, healing, deliverance and life so that you will be EMPOWERed to live and EMPOWERed to move in the things of God. Please know that in spite of the situation you are currently facing God is able! Live EMPOWERed!"

is a
Contributing Writer
acquire the magazine today and enjoy :
Empower's Brand New Life Series:
By Faith-Brand New Thinking
by Linda Mose Meadows
AUGUST 2010 VOL.1 NO.1
By Faith-Brand New Thinking
by Linda Mose Meadows
AUGUST 2010 VOL.1 NO.1
“The happy heart runs with the river, floats on the air, lifts to the music, soars with the eagle, and hopes with the prayer.”
—Maya Angelou
(1928- ); Poet, Dancer, Producer, Playwright, Director
For those that have not subscribed yet, don't fret -
—Maya Angelou
(1928- ); Poet, Dancer, Producer, Playwright, Director
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get your subscription today by visiting; and then click on Empower Magazine. A 1-year subscription is $20 and 2 years is only $35. Interested in advertising please call 757-775-5404.
Encouraged and Humbled by God's Loving Presence
Linda Mose Meadows, Inspirational Columnist & Author:
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's lessons and God's Promises