It’s A New Day, America Gives Way to its Future, America Celebrates, Welcome President Obama and the news paper titles go on and on. Could this possibly be a voice in the wilderness? I contend that yes indeed it’s a banner day friends. I’ve open a zillion emails, watched CNN till my weary eyes slid shut, awoke to more television and radio news regarding another state’s electoral votes earned for President Elect Obama and giggled with family and friends about new possibilities, cried tears of joy as I sat watching the TV cameras pan and take me to the White House, Atlanta, GA, California, Chicago, Sydney Australia, Obama, Japan, the middle east and back into the confines of my home. As tears streamed down my face, I requested that my husband pinch me so I knew that this was not a dream but an exciting start for our nation, the world and our personal futures. An ambassador that readily is inclusive of all- is in our midst.
As Israel and New Breed sing, I see increase all around me-take the limits off! Nov. 4th @11pm marked a brand new era for American History, the books slammed shut on the old regime. A humanitarian was elected, a man that reveres God and loves his family, a US Senator with a diverse heritage and lineage that stretches across the Atlantic Ocean. Then Senator Obama’s clarion call captured our hearts and galvanized young, old, men, and women to embrace a new philosophy of hope and change!
As Israel and New Breed sing, I see increase all around me-take the limits off! Nov. 4th @11pm marked a brand new era for American History, the books slammed shut on the old regime. A humanitarian was elected, a man that reveres God and loves his family, a US Senator with a diverse heritage and lineage that stretches across the Atlantic Ocean. Then Senator Obama’s clarion call captured our hearts and galvanized young, old, men, and women to embrace a new philosophy of hope and change!
This was not politics as usual! His message was a piercing light that seemed to shone through the fog of economic upheaval! This light shattered numerous myths namely that President Elect wasn’t qualified nor fit for the campaign endurance trail. Record numbers of individuals campaigned with him to get out the vote and in the end democracy stood taller than the naysayer and the malcontents.
We are alive to tell the story and celebrate this phenomenal occurance. It’s a blessing to have witnessed history first hand. I choose to think that it’s God’s providence; it’s a movement unlike anything the world has witnessed. This movement is bigger than all of us and our individual agendas, it’s spiritual, it’s active, it’s electric. Our lives are better for it. All things are possible to those who believe. It’s apparent. I think about Nelson Mandela and how God allowed him to survive prison and ultimately become President Mandela. many imagined could this possibly be realized ! The answer is a resounding , "YES!" Once again this is a testament that there is hope in our futures. Join me in saying, job well done to all that exercised faith like never before and are now witnesses to tell the story! Thank you for your vision and pursuing your dream President Elect Barack Obama! You are anointed for the call! May God bless and keep us!
Submitted by Linda Mose Meadows, Author of :
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
We Are The Ones Song by will.i.am - Obama
We Are The Ones Song