And they have defeated him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of their testimony. Revelation 12:11 (NLT)
Oh my friends the past news of the Katrina victims and now more recent news regarding the earthquake in China and people suffering in our own backyard not many days ago can be disheartening! First in the distance air there was a sound of a freight train- that some described and moments later a tornado ripped through the Suffolk communities’ landscape and toppled homes. They were demolished in moments- the sturdy structures where now piles of timber and tooth picks-some even said they saw heavy steel trucks and cars being picked up with a gush of wind with ease. But thank goodness storms do cease!
We’ve all being transformed and battled daily with some really unnerving storms in our lives. Some have been our emotional storms, others have faced sickness in their bodies and some have had the actual physical storms in the environment. I can’t say that one is any better than the other. Much to our dismay it might have blind sided us, knocked us for a loop- but in the end if we are alive to tell the story we too are standing and have risen from the ashes like a phoenix.
I love this picture of my family, which is my sweet mother in law, wonderful sister in law and jewel of an aunt.
They are triumphant! Not only are they beautiful, their faith carries them the distance.
Yep they’ve encounter the blow of cancer each of them, but they are the poster women of victory!!! They are survivors, each has their own testimony, and first hand knowledge of what it means to be in a personal battle, a real health storm.
What I love and marvel at is they are here to share their story-tell the story like only they can. I am sure you too have a survival testimony?
How wonderful to know that our lives, our circumstances don’t dictate the outcomes. I praise God for each of them, And for you who are also survivors. The enemy has no monopoly over them, and over us. Go on and smile, show the world that we are over comers by our testimonies even with a handkerchief in our pockets.
As we excavate the land, dig through the rubble reclaiming our lives, our loved ones, our loss and our joy, and our possessions we are reassured that definite blessings await us!
Sing your victory song friends and know that God delights in blessing His own!
Joyfully Submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
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