“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:4
I realize that it's really no accident that often I catch television programming at the right time. A world series winning game, the NBA finals, and/or a PBS series may be airing and is so riveting that it allows me stretch my outlook or provide me a brand new perspective on world events. Not to mention some super duper sports events is occuring that I would have hated to miss! So I knew it was surely providential that I witness the crowning of Miss Angola as Miss Universe and then later on check out America’s Got Talent on the internet and learn more about the winner and other contestants. You wonder the correlation? Well, I believe it has to do with celebrating the underdog or my inkling towards appreciating another one of life's lesson that in this life expecting the unexpected is the norm (at least for me). Sidebar: dealing with the unexpected gracefully is my challenge. It may irritate loved ones watching television with you, but it pays to channel surf-treats await us!
You never know what’s being broadcasted that was intended to delight and lift your spirit. It’s like being a little kid, you really don’t want to miss out!
I am sorry to learn about the most recent controversy with Miss Angola-Miss Universe. But it was indeed a celebratory moment seeing the crowning.
Today, I choose to focus on another winner of the 2011 America’s Got Talent Contest. There was an elephant in the room; it was so big, so obvious that it sat on the heads of the judges, especially the one who openly revealed that he believed that when he saw the contestant it was going to be a “total train wreck”. Mind you this was the furthest thing from the truth, but it was his belief system. The America’s Got Talent Judges had no clue what was about to occur. One particular judge openly had to recount and gobble each negative verbal morsel regarding what he said and believed.
Contestant: Landau Eugene Murphy Jr.’s first taped audition was an eye opener and heart fixer regarding his passion and capabilities. God was in the details. His vocation and life style weren’t necessarily a hard luck story but one that was evidenced by humble beginnings for this 36 year old man. The Youtube video below contains all the ingredients about how folks can have it all wrong about your talent(s), skill set(s) and gift(s). Those authorized experts usually have a limited scope of knowledge about whom they are judging. Consequently the predictions are way off, they miss the mark and their forecasts are generally unfair. If we are not careful these pronouncements can color our thinking! But it’s a matter of whom we choose to believe. Thank God we do understand and are aware that our capabilities are innumerable.
A break, a chance-that’s what we yearn for! Mr. Murphy beautifully has shown us that exposure and a leap of faith will unlock an armored door to phenomenal possibilities! He is our proof in the pudding that the world likes to rubber stamp and pigeon hole those that fit a stereotypical template. But these narrow minded individuals really don’t have a clue. Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. had the audacity to enjoy singing Frank Sinatra and dared to showcase an outstanding performance of Sinatra’s signature songs. Mr. Murphy boldly elected to go against the grain of his contemporaries. He relinquished singing familiar pop culture lyrics with provocative dancers to win over the audience and judges. Oh my friends Landau confidently sang, took a great chance and soared with his musical rendition in the style of the master crooner Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra is not necessarily known, appreciated, nor admired by many young entertainers. But God!
The fact is:
A break, a chance-that’s what we yearn for! Mr. Murphy beautifully has shown us that exposure and a leap of faith will unlock an armored door to phenomenal possibilities! He is our proof in the pudding that the world likes to rubber stamp and pigeon hole those that fit a stereotypical template. But these narrow minded individuals really don’t have a clue. Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. had the audacity to enjoy singing Frank Sinatra and dared to showcase an outstanding performance of Sinatra’s signature songs. Mr. Murphy boldly elected to go against the grain of his contemporaries. He relinquished singing familiar pop culture lyrics with provocative dancers to win over the audience and judges. Oh my friends Landau confidently sang, took a great chance and soared with his musical rendition in the style of the master crooner Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra is not necessarily known, appreciated, nor admired by many young entertainers. But God!
The fact is:
When we are stepping out on faith there is no need to be fearful, God had given us love and a sound mind!
2 Timothy 1:7
We are fearfully and wonderfully made, so when God gives us the courage to complete something, we shouldn’t hesitate. As Nike says, “Just do it!” The clock is ticking let's get moving!
Psalm 139:14
We are God’s very own workmanship, unique-a splendid creation! Ephesians 2:10
2 Timothy 1:7
We are fearfully and wonderfully made, so when God gives us the courage to complete something, we shouldn’t hesitate. As Nike says, “Just do it!” The clock is ticking let's get moving!
Psalm 139:14
We are God’s very own workmanship, unique-a splendid creation! Ephesians 2:10
He knows the plans He has for us, end of subject!
Jeremiah 29:11
So with those bold truths, the Holy Spirit gives us the muscle and stamina to handle the mundane things of life. It’s the humble, small things, the uneventful day to day grind that is required until our change occurs. And in our hearts if we hold fast and do not waver in faith, inevitably we’ll experience an awakening. No this awakening may not be a star stunned contract, but it won’t make us ashamed. We’ll see a shift, a divine and brilliant plan unfold.
The chief architect, Jehovah lays the landscape (with key personnel/advisors in place to assist us) and God gives us the desire to cultivate our gifts. We too realize that it’s urgent to get moving with deliberate action and in time, in due season our gifts will make room for us! Surely Landau knew in his heart what he deeply yearned for and I am confident that that must have been the spark needed to catapult him to an opportune destination towards his hearts desire. Before long he realized his dreams as winner of the 2011 America’s Got Talent. It took work and fortitude to get to this audition. I bet it was more than just purchasing a train ticket or hopping on the Greyhound or Mega Bus? It probably meant tremendous sacrifice. He detailed and washed cars for a living, so we know that his finances were meager.
Jeremiah 29:11
So with those bold truths, the Holy Spirit gives us the muscle and stamina to handle the mundane things of life. It’s the humble, small things, the uneventful day to day grind that is required until our change occurs. And in our hearts if we hold fast and do not waver in faith, inevitably we’ll experience an awakening. No this awakening may not be a star stunned contract, but it won’t make us ashamed. We’ll see a shift, a divine and brilliant plan unfold.
The chief architect, Jehovah lays the landscape (with key personnel/advisors in place to assist us) and God gives us the desire to cultivate our gifts. We too realize that it’s urgent to get moving with deliberate action and in time, in due season our gifts will make room for us! Surely Landau knew in his heart what he deeply yearned for and I am confident that that must have been the spark needed to catapult him to an opportune destination towards his hearts desire. Before long he realized his dreams as winner of the 2011 America’s Got Talent. It took work and fortitude to get to this audition. I bet it was more than just purchasing a train ticket or hopping on the Greyhound or Mega Bus? It probably meant tremendous sacrifice. He detailed and washed cars for a living, so we know that his finances were meager.
Good news flash: it’s outdated history regarding Landau washing cars for his living. I feel it in my spirit that he must have glimpsed a sweet taste of glory divine as he scrubbed the hubcaps, pushed through soap suds and hosed down countless cars. So with that in mind, what remains in your view? What are you long for, expecting, anticipating? Landau’s won America’s Got Talent 2011. We can win also! It starts with a renewed outlook! Oh friends God wants us to know that our future is before us! Hold on! Hold on to hope!
My friends, this stellar crooner can look back and not wonder how he made it through. Let’s salute him, applaud his tenacity and Thank God that he’s a modern day example of a possibility thinker with great faith! Praise God, praise God from whom all blessings flow! In his truth filled words, “It’s time to do something new and follow my dream!” Contestant:____________ ( fill in your name) your up!
With A Thankful Heart! Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine
My friends, this stellar crooner can look back and not wonder how he made it through. Let’s salute him, applaud his tenacity and Thank God that he’s a modern day example of a possibility thinker with great faith! Praise God, praise God from whom all blessings flow! In his truth filled words, “It’s time to do something new and follow my dream!” Contestant:____________ ( fill in your name) your up!
With A Thankful Heart! Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine