“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…”
(I Thessalonians 5:11).
I read a timely devotional from Joel Osteen that has encouraged all of us to be people builders. I knew that that was a confirmation from God and that I am on the right track. I love that thought because I know very well what an act of kindness can do to promte us and give us the validation and encouragment needed to run this "race"! Kisses on my forehead, prayers lifted up on the behalf of others, helping hands, listening ears, acts of kidness ease many burdens that aren't readily apparent to the naked eye. So I take to heart the importance of lifting up another. I hope you'll join me on the assignment of encouraging others, giving forward and remembering to do a kind gesture for someone outside of our familiar circles.
For the last two book signings I have witnessed an extraordinary occurance of people bulding each other up! There are others that have embraced this philosophy and are active participants.
Each time the giver makes no grand display, but it's apparent that what has occured is an awesome thing!
Someone will purchase one or several devotionals and then place one in the hands of another-they will present a gift to a complete stranger, someone admiring the cover but possibly unable to acquire the book or present the devotional to someone entering the book store oblivious to my booksigning event. At first the recipient is startled but quickly bounces back from the realization that they are being presented with a gift, an unexpected pleasant surprise. The receiver's face says it all- "Hey I was in the right place at the perfect time. Thank you God!"
It makes me smile because I am witnessing with the receiver an act of love and kindenss. No strings attached, no gimicks! I know you realize that the giver and receiver are partaking in a real blessing!
God is working through all of us and has given each of us blessings and gifts enough to share. So on this day let's declare to be more vigilant about building up others, if it's no more than a smile and an encouraging word we can be confident that it will go a very long way. We too can actively sowing seeds to build up another living soul. Yes, friends come on and join me in being a builder of people and don't be hesitant about the scripture that encourages us to " let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."Matthew 5:16
Joyfully Sharing~
Linda Mose Meadows