The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
It’s a known fact that workplace depression does exist! It’s real for many on some level, but seldom shared. Taking care of our emotional health is essential if we don’t wish to plummet down that slippery slope of burn-out. It must be my season to examine this and take an earnest look. That morning stomach ache, elevated blood pressure and mental exhaustion are bull horns bellowing that change is eminent-something must give. Friends our bodies express themselves in pronounced ways that stress is whipping us down. The excessive behaviors, over compensating, a host of unhealthy symptoms, consuming who knows what ( you fill in the blank) that is out of control, it’s a tell tale sign that trouble is on the horizon! Remember the television character Martin, he’d shout, “What’s up?” Funny, but true attention was needed immediately. And it’s a shame to say, more instances indicate that stress is triumphant and gaining on us.
Many suffer nagging migraines, energy drains, feelings of hostility, edginess/anxious and ultimately encountering diminished self worth. This low self esteem is much too tight, now worn like tight ankle socks. All of this in the name of earning a living. Come on lets open the blinds and lift our mental shades, our mindsets endeavoring to live better. The sun wants to shine in our private thoughts!
Yes , there’s a tremendous amount of discomfort suffered, and unfortunately getting a “day-off” here and there are not the complete elixir required for maintaining our sanity and reducing our stress thresholds. I encourage you to take those lunch walks, read edifying materials, learn and develop techniques that slow the breathing and regulate our heart beat. God is a prayer away He'll provide the insight! Readily embrace seeking a mentor, acquiring a counselor to help shed light on improving our emotional and physical health.
It’s time to take proactive measures to own and win good emotional health. trust me i am pointing the finger in my direction. Like i've heard Clergy declare, "This is more for me than you!" Until that better job opportunity avails, begin enjoying more of your after work interests, understanding that hostile environments won’t necessarily banish, but stagnant outlooks must retreat to more meaningful thinking and lifestyle progressions. A mental retreat is needed from stress!
Yes, prayer and application of scripture are essential. Jesus reminds us that He came that we’ll have life, and have it more abundantly. I get it! My brain and heart now understand there are many dimensions for a holistic fitness. Seek out what you need. I am grateful for the gift of learning and thanking God for community resources, counseling services, outdoor public gardens, museums. boutiques, art galleries, beaches, soul stirring music, libraries and virtual websites! These treasures can awaken our heart, mind and soul, leaving an indelible impression that God meant so much more for us than being depleted and worn in environments that weigh heavy on our psyches/soul!
Reach out with improved energy and discover that fulfillment awaits us! Let’s win back our emotional health on purpose!
We are winners, yes we are!
We are winners, yes we are!
- Amazing what we can learn and share with Values.com,
inclusive of your creation of a community billboard.
Applaud those that are making a difference. Spread joy!
Hope this wets your creative taste buds:
- Build your personal library with these great inspirational books containing practical applications for personal improvement and spiritual growth: Broken Silence: Opening Your Heart and Mind to Therapy--A Black Woman's Recovery Guide by D. Kim Singelton , Journey to the Well By Bishop Vashti McKenzie, The Blessedness of Believing: A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises by Linda Mose Meadows, Ten Commandments of Working in a Hostile Environment by T. D. Jakes
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIaj2gB-4yI&feature=PlayList&p=09B717A01E0AED9E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2
Youtube Video , Bishop TD Jakes, Ten Commandments
- Become more active, enjoy “stay vacations” in your own backyard. Google summer events information for your city and community. Summer is approaching. Enjoy free outdoor concerts, stage performances. There are loads of outdoor fairs, visit area eateries, museums, and walking tours. etc.
- Visit Community Centers learn about fitness programs, cultural arts & culinary classes.
- As Bishop Vashti Mackenzie says, don’t let your wounds get in the way. Sometimes friend are limited in their scope of your deep, heartfelt needs. Don’t be hesitant about seeking advice- therapy/counseling from a professional. It’s yours for the asking! Therapy choices exist ranging from individuals, families and groups. Explore and learn about treatment preferences & specialties.
- Consider being proactive with your job hunt, start with some sage and savvy guidance from the Job Club with Tory Johnson (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/JobClub/)
- Hear an anointed word from Bishop Vashti McKenzie, it’s a “wake-up call!”. Her messages, books, and blog are a hug direct from heaven. Her work will engage and encourage your spirit to live and not die! http://thisisyourwakeupcallonline.com/
- http://www.blueletterbible.org/is filled with Holy Scripture, devotionals, study tools that will empower you as you take God at His word!
Expressing Thanksgiving & Joy!
Linda Mose Meadows, Author & Inspirational Columnist:
The Blessedness of BelievingA Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises