This past Saturday was no exception with the butterflies in the stomach! But God, yes he again demonstrated His awesome faithfulness through the love shown from those that sweetly supported my dream, encouraged me to continue writing and also purchased my devotional at B. Dalton's Chesapeake Square Mall location. I hadn't invited a soul I knew and consequently I had no idea whom I 'd be introduced to. My focus has changed from will my friends come? To whom will God send. As Max Lucado reminds us in his writings, it's not about me! Jesus that's the focal point. I understand this is a divine exercise.
It thrills me to report that B. Dalton had sold many of my books prior to my arrival and the remaining books that were left were acquired by some very wonderful people including an adorable little reader and her mother-a promising young college student. Needless to say my spirit was soaring and my heart glad! I praise God for the many acts of kindness! This again is a testament that God's goodness speaks volumes in our lives. I pray you too will continue to marvel at all He does on your behalf as you embrace your dreams and faithfully live out your Saturday mornings.
Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being. I Corinthians 10:24
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lesson’s and God’s Promises
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