Urban Views Weekly is available to you!
" God will fill your mouth with laughter
your lips with shouts of joy."
Job 8:21
Hi Everybody-
I wanted to share my good news regarding my being selected as one of the newest Inspirational Columnist in the Urban Views Weekly. It's just in my spirit to celebrate and speak, no sing and shout: "Extra, Extra read all about it!"

Read all about what you ask? More inspiration and enlightenment of course! More opporunities to spread joy, speak life and share heartfelt sentiments to encourage us not to loose heart in the struggles of our lives! I thank the Lord for my friend Linda Pate who was obedient to what the Holy Spirit placed in her heart. It started with dinner and a question: "Have you ever considered writing for a newspaper?" I'd been praying for an opportunity to make a greater impact and to further work God's plan for my life. I've been waiting, hoping not really knowing the direction, nor the time a door would open on my behalf. The blessed door of opportunity was wider than I could have imagined! So you see friends, I consider my selection as a Columnist, a real honor and an divine orchastration. It's without a doubt an answer to prayer. Ricky calls them ATP's!
My desire started with a prayer. What are you beleiving god for?
Keep trusting, keep praying friends! God's got so much in store for you!
I hope you'll consider subscribing (it's free) and becoming a part of the Urban Views Weekly family of readers. This newspaper is providing a wealth of wonderful information to enhance and enrich our spheres. And yes I'm pleased to be a contributor and a part of that endeavor. In the event you don't see the orange mail boxes containing the newspapers in your community, simply go on-line for your weekly e-paper.
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on the UVW digital. Enjoy and relish the thought that if you haven't already mentioned unsuspecting blessings-soon you too will be sharing your good news and shouting: "Extra! Extra! Come and see what marvelous things our benevolent Heavenly Father has done on my behalf ! "
Surely God's grace has been bestowed upon us. Shout your testimony, we're joyously anticipating !
With A Greatful Heart!
Linda Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
Hello and let me commend you for doing a wonderful job with this blog. Your post are entertaining and the layout of your blog is smooth and clean.
I would like to offer my congratulations as I have finished reviewing "The Blessedness of Believing " and I'm happy to inform you that your blog has been added to Blogging Women.
I wish you continued success with this blog and all you do!
Bless you Fay. Thank you and I appreciate the recognition and acceptance in being a part of Blogging Women! I really am thrilled about what God is doing on my behalf!
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