We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
“The need for devotion to something outside ourselves is even more profound than the need for companionship. If we are not to go to pieces or wither away, we must have some purpose in life; for no man can live for himself alone.”
—Ross Parmenter; writer, anthropologist
I literally felt the urgency to attend this awe inspiring art exhibit of Jon Lockard’s Reclamation, Reconstruction and Reaffirmation at Hampton University. And quickly understood why I just couldn’t conclude my work day and arrive at the exhibit fast enough! God had something wonderful in store for me and others on that particular evening! My spirit, oh my soul, my eyes, my heart delighted in this masterful work that was presented on the evening of September 26, 2008. As you entered the exhibit “Lord Take My Hand” was the first piece which clearly opened the way for guests. How appropriate –it set the stage for not only a tremendous evening but for all guests ushered into the gallery.
As I witnessed gallery guests appreciating this masterful exhibit, I too was in that number! I could feel the depth and compassion of not only the painter but easily embrace the subject matter of Reclamation, Reconstruction and Reaffirmation. I didn’t have to just appreciate the art; I could visibly witness the artist’s humbly interacting and greeting those that realized that Jon Onye Lockard was present- in the gallery. Yes friends, he was in the house! I hope his wife also felt the esteem, the admiration and the appreciation that was directed toward her amazing husband. The contemporary, “renaissance griot” was present and had so much on his mind and heart.
—Ross Parmenter; writer, anthropologist
I literally felt the urgency to attend this awe inspiring art exhibit of Jon Lockard’s Reclamation, Reconstruction and Reaffirmation at Hampton University. And quickly understood why I just couldn’t conclude my work day and arrive at the exhibit fast enough! God had something wonderful in store for me and others on that particular evening! My spirit, oh my soul, my eyes, my heart delighted in this masterful work that was presented on the evening of September 26, 2008. As you entered the exhibit “Lord Take My Hand” was the first piece which clearly opened the way for guests. How appropriate –it set the stage for not only a tremendous evening but for all guests ushered into the gallery.
As I witnessed gallery guests appreciating this masterful exhibit, I too was in that number! I could feel the depth and compassion of not only the painter but easily embrace the subject matter of Reclamation, Reconstruction and Reaffirmation. I didn’t have to just appreciate the art; I could visibly witness the artist’s humbly interacting and greeting those that realized that Jon Onye Lockard was present- in the gallery. Yes friends, he was in the house! I hope his wife also felt the esteem, the admiration and the appreciation that was directed toward her amazing husband. The contemporary, “renaissance griot” was present and had so much on his mind and heart.
It was evening to become saturated with the artist and all of the pearls of wisdom he imparted. He praised his mentor John Biggers and saluted his contemporaries- their artistic works adorned the halls of the Hampton University Museum,also. For a moment he lead in praise and worship! The atmosphere was ripe with thanksgiving! He shared that he had had an opportunity to see his comrades, his teachers and mentors work in the gallery earlier that day. his heart and mind couldn't fathom that this opportunity was being realized. This was hallow ground! We all chuckled, but understood his sincerity when he remarked that he was “afraid to go to sleep because surely I must have died and gone to heaven-I might not wake up.” He further commented, “You all have no idea!” He closed his eyes for a brief moment and I knew that He was praising God for that joy and that moment in which he was allowed to experience and to live see that day.
Truth be told we were blessed for being in his presence and Haki Madhubuti’s (Essayist, Poet, CEO and founder of Third World Press, Distinguished University Professor, founder and director emeritus of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing and director of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at Chicago State Univ ) poem which was presented to Jon Lockard resonated with that truth. Great love was expressed for Jon’s dedication to awakening our consciousness and instilling pride across the nation through his artistic master pieces.
As Jon sat on a stool the listeners were spell bound with his lecture as he shared his story through poetry, stirring gospel music, and a video chronicling our/his African and American Legacy and his interpretations of survival, love, triumph and ultimately realizing was it meant to be an artist-a painter passionate about life! Painting gave Jon's living new meaning! Certainly this man appreciates and realizes how God has anointed him to share his gift, address the divine that resides in us and to celebrate our humanity and dignity. I felt a greater since of pride and appreciation of my African and American heritage,ancestry and can’t stop praising God for an awesome evening.
As Jon sat on a stool the listeners were spell bound with his lecture as he shared his story through poetry, stirring gospel music, and a video chronicling our/his African and American Legacy and his interpretations of survival, love, triumph and ultimately realizing was it meant to be an artist-a painter passionate about life! Painting gave Jon's living new meaning! Certainly this man appreciates and realizes how God has anointed him to share his gift, address the divine that resides in us and to celebrate our humanity and dignity. I felt a greater since of pride and appreciation of my African and American heritage,ancestry and can’t stop praising God for an awesome evening.
I pray you’ll have an opportunity to visit the Hampton University Museum or visit an exhibit of Jon’s work in your community.
Take a moment, behold and enjoy Visions of Destiny, Inc. http://www.jononye.com/
Take a moment, behold and enjoy Visions of Destiny, Inc. http://www.jononye.com/

My prayer of thanksgiving:
Thank you Lord for providing us with Jon’s celebration of masterful art work of our humanity and his inner vision of your beauty and love towards us! May he live to know our appreciation of him and continue realize even greater goodness in his life,. Bless his wife, family and his worthy endeavors! Glory to your name! Amen.
Joyfully Submitted by:Linda Mose Meadows,
author :The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lesson’s and God’s Promises
Enjoy other writings:Click on Blessed Chronicles http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com
author :The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lesson’s and God’s Promises
Enjoy other writings:Click on Blessed Chronicles http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com
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