"Alternative Spring Break continues to renew our students' committment to serving our Nation and the Global Community and empowers them to
'Be The Change.' "
Gerald Ashby, ASB student co-coordinator

Friends, this is an exciting opportunity to provide financial support along with our praise of thanks giving for Howard's young people that endeavor to do something positive by lending a helping hand during their Spring Break. Read, learn of and support their mission not just during the WHUR's radio-thon, but in the days to come! Spring Break commences on March 14th, 2009!
This is truly a commendable effort! Help beyond today friends!
The work is not done…and we need your help again. Join WHUR
96.3 FM, Sunday, March 1, 2009 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the 12-hour“A Helping Hand,”radiothon to send nearly 300 Howard University students toChicago, Detroit, New Orleans and across the Washington, D.C. area where they will help
families wrestling with issues ranging from illiteracy to the lingering effects of Hurricane Katrina.You can drop off your donations, or contact :WHUR, 529 Bryant Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20059or call our toll-free phone bank at 1-877-794-8796.A Proud Howard Alum (Class of 79') Sharing Good NewsLinda Mose Meadows, AuthorThe Blessedness of BelievingA Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
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