And Dispossessed Women To Keep Going, And Succeed
God's Spirit [a] doesn't make cowards out of us.
The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7
2 Timothy 1:7
Kudos to the Huffington Post! I thank God for this, another eye opening moment shared in the Huffington Post and published by World Vision, Sue Mbaya, Advocacy Director for Africa.
On March 8, 2009 12:24 PM in celebration of International Women's Day.
Immediately as I look at the slide show I remember the scripture that reminds me that God hasn’t given us/me/you the spirit of fear but of peace and a sound mind!
Immediately as I look at the slide show I remember the scripture that reminds me that God hasn’t given us/me/you the spirit of fear but of peace and a sound mind!
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,
but a spirit of power,
of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
(New International Version - UK)
The women in the slide show are resilient, determined not to let life’s adversities strangle their lives, nor their children. Read this article in the Huffington Post; weep, if you must, but feel let your pride crescendo-swell in your spirit and be assured that the power that takes residence in their soul is real, it’s evident! These victorious women have overcome-they experienced brutality to the tenth degree. They are farming their lands, teaching their children, building an economic base to sustain their livelihood with the help of World Visions and more importantly living out their lives with an indomitable strength for the world to see.
Remember today’s word is indomitable meaning: strong, unconquerable, resolute, determined, resolute and invincible! God desires that we celebrate these women and be encouraged in our hearts that we too are indomitable! Like them we are overcomers! Stand in the mirror; see your reflection and speak life, God's sustaining affirmation's to yourself saying:

“With God’s strength I am strong!”
“With God’s strength I am unconquerable!”
“With God’s strength I am resolute!”
“With God’s strength I am determined!”
“With God’s strength I am resolute!”
“With God’s strength I am invincible!”
“And with God I am never alone and abandoned!”
"Scripture assures me that I have a spirit of boldness,
power, love and a sound mind!"

My friends, you too can be soul-survivors as you confidently trust God, abound through difficulties assured that you won't die in the wilderness, spiritually equipped to live! Live free with reservations! Thank you Sue Mbaya, Advocacy Director for Africa for sharing your inspirational testimony about the resilient Congolese women. God bless you and World Vision's great endeavors. I pray readers will feel moved to support World Vision with prayers, wonderful gifts/supplies/resources and needed finances. To the people of the world with a vision for greater good and those that believe in this mission -keep making great strides!
Pleased to Share,
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
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