Be completley humble and gentle;
be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2
Looking to support a local and international worthy endeavor that promotes self sufficiency, goodwill and economic empowerment for women? I believe its right here in our backyard and it’s Dress for Success!
Women that become affiliated with this wonderful organization are mentored, nurtured and provided with the essential business attire and positive direction needed to begin the necessary steps required to become motivated to take charge of their destinies. The possibilities are very exciting. Women who normally are not readily invited to be apart of the business world's equation are welcomed to embrace a new philosophyand mindset that is inclusive and inviting of them-it’s uplifting and a breathe of fresh air! Their dreams for self sufficiency can be realized. Practical tools for successful living are shared! It's not simply outwear that is emphasized. Indeed, they are fully clad in brand new joyful garments-their self esteem skyrockets! It's cause for praise.

My friends, I urge you to consider partnering with such an awesome endeavor! Visit the Dress for Success website, and contact them without hesitation! There’s a women and her family that will be all the better because of your unselfish act. Gather your circle of caring friends; learn what you can do to make a difference and join in the mission of uplifting others. Yes, Dress for Success are in communities around the nation and right here in our own backyards. No need to fret it’s very easy to provide a helping hand. Those of us residing in Tidewater contact:
Debra M. Dandridge, Executive Director/
Co-Founder Dress for Success Hampton Roads
645 Church Street, Ste. 203
Norfolk, VA 23510
Remember we’re God’s helping hands!
Happy to Share:
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises ( ate, Nov. 2007)http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/
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