“One word frees us of all
the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.”
—Sophocles (496 BCE-406 BCE); ancient Greek tragedian
“One word frees us of all
the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.”
—Sophocles (496 BCE-406 BCE); ancient Greek tragedian
This is the season of love, the eve of Valentine’s Day, the lovely red hearts, the wonderful variety of milk, white and dark chocolate confections, hard candies with the words etched I love you and beautifully crafted greeting cards. This merchandise is flying off the shelves. It’s a buying frenzy for many. I have the flu or I’d be at the cash register too! We want to convey LOVE in words, song, tasty treats and lavish meals, and bouquets of discounted roses.
But for a moment let’s not only talk about love but a kiss! What made me think about the kiss, just possibly the Holy Spirit wanted to share and discuss that the kiss is underrated and not generally spoken about on Valentine’s Day. I suppose Madison Avenue continues to perfect the marketing of a kiss with ads displaying perfumes and lotions but it’s really nothing that we can purchase. It’s priceless!
It’s really an expression of love. It’s intimate, truly personal; it can be holy, and sacred. The power of a single kiss can ignite passion, exhilarate your spirit, and/or remove the sting from life’s injuries, scrapes, falls and setbacks. Yes it can make our heart flutter, but a kiss can be a soothing balm. Just think about all the scrapes and bruises you incurred growing up? Or that you currently patch up now? These insults, afflictions which cause us to sometimes bellow, shriek, holler, scream and cry when followed with a light kiss to the forehead or cheek are healing! It seems to immediately make the injury not so awful.
I believe that a simple kiss, an embrace relieves and helps cushion us from future falls. I think about women with the issue of blood, looking for relief, solace from her daily plight, surely she must have been void of any displays of affection. A kiss was out of the question. Probably she felt like and was treated as dirty and an outcast. At what point it jumped into her spirit to move beyond her circumstance, I don’t know. But we are sure God planted that inclination in her and she reached out for help. And remember it wasn’t in vain.
I believe that’s what God desires us to do in our predicament(s), and that’s reach out for relief! She stretched out her hands, assured in her heart that relief would come. Something would give way! No Jesus didn’t kiss her but the words he spoke, [“Woman your faith has healed you.” ]was the symbolic kiss of life needed for her restoration! Her journey had just begun. Many had written her off, but her faith, her tenacity-her persistence, made her stretch out and trust that surely what lay ahead had to be better than the current state of affairs she found herself in. She loved herself enough to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. She sought relief /healing/ restoration and God reciprocated with compassion! Her answer was in the reach-the search!
Love in action (for ourselves), is often not easy, it may require us to break out of the norm, adopt a new habit and not be creatures of habit. It begins within the walls of our own hearts, and then spreads abroad in our homes, and offices. Kissing ourselves with affirmation by being kinder, not only to others but with our selves can take some work. We first must acknowledge that we are worthy! Then this mindset will spill over into our lives so sweetly. How will you do that? Think, act and grow? I am not sure, but ask God for guidance. In the meantime stand in front of the mirror, blow yourself a kiss and remember that God foreknew you, wonderfully created you and does have a plan earmarked with your name on it. Read aloud Psalm 139:13-16 and reflect on essence of that thought!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be
Psalm 139:13-16
Psalm 139:13-16
(New International Version - UK)
God has kissed our very souls with scripture to edify and enlighten us. Friends he desires that we have a heart to confidently apply those truths. He’s comforted and kept us through his resurrected son, Jesus Christ! We are empowered to become whole! Ask yourself the difficult questions:
· In what areas of your spiritual and physical life are you not adequately demonstrating love of yourselves first?
· Where is character and life improvement warranted?
· Where can help be found and whom can I trust?
Start with prayer and don’t leave Jesus out of the equation. Maybe it has everything to do with our experiences and expectations. Carve out some intimate space where you can pray, talk to God, cry out your concerns, read scripture regarding your true identity in peace and quite. Anticipate a breakthrough and an outpouring of Jehova's love! God can provide the supernatural elixir and resources for our struggles with affection, empathy, sympathy, kindness, humility, caring, compassion, and forgiveness which I am confident are the “divine kisses” needed to lift our hearts and push us further on down the road?
As you are nurtured back to life, blow a kiss to yourself and others with some kind words, a sweet “I apologize!” to heal an offended heart, a “Here let me help you!” makes the task so much more pleasant. A “Yes I am listening,” surely conveys I care and love you. It’s sweet talk to the heart and soul. Yes indeed it’s a kiss of real love! Stretch out, stretch forth my friends-the word is LOVE!
Happy Valentine’s Day friends!
You Tube~Thank You Part I "Phenomenal song sung by the amazingly anointed Charisse D. Nelson. Written and composed by Richard Smallwood for his album Adoration"
Submittted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
Submittted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
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