The wisdom of one simple question, “Tell me about your father?” opened a floodgate of emotions not only for the presenter, Mr. Don Roberts News Anchor of WAVY-TV but for all that were present during the Weekly Writers on Thursday’s group meeting at the Hampton City Library. This evening would snowball into something really extraordinary. his was not just another author encouraging our group of eager writers, but this would evolve into an intimate evening that delved deep into some unspoken heart matters. I knew God had sent him and Don Roberts was ideal for facilitating such a sacred moment. He started with reminding us that each day is truly a gift not to be taken for granted. His five word question caused deep and introspective thinking to be followed by group nods and answers that I suspect many had no idea that they’d share.

Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (July 22, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595849210
ISBN-13: 978-0595849215
Don Roberts' foreword reveals that he is passionate about acknowledging this most important bond between a father and child which impacts ones life in profound ways. He resontated that this relationship and personal actions spill over into our lives and those we encounter. During his public speaking engagements whether it be at an elementary school or the city jail, the all important question is asked,“Tell me about your father?” “If you could write him a letter what would you say?” Those that willingly participate learn more than they ever imagined.
Through these written expressions from those with loving relationships to those with torn egos and broken hearts much is revealed about themselves and their interpretation about their father's persona. Out of that exercise of composing letters, powerful inner voice are born, the writer is empowered and honest emotions surface. Eventually discussions and heartfelt sharing fills the room.
This book is a springboard for healing, reaching across generational and gender lines to erect stronger bonds and possibly rectify broken & fragmented relationships due to a child /father relationship. Famous Amos wrote one such poignant letter that changed his life forever. Amos acknowledges for the betterment not only for himself but others that are a part of him.
These letters written to fathers (absent & present) are certainly spiritually & emotional healing-cathartic, revealing, truthful and sobering not only for the author and those who’ve penned the letters, but most assuredly for the reader. You'll be so pleased to add this book to your libraries. It’s available in local book stores like: Barnes & Nobles, Borders stores, Learn more about Mr. Roberts and acquiring this powerful book at:
Bless you Don Roberts; thank you for this intimate and timely literary work-there’s healing in the land!
to choose understanding rather than silver!
Proverbs 16:16
Joyfully submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
Enjoy other writings:Click on Blessed Chronicles
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