Today’s Words are to: TAKE HEART!
Yes, friends it just that clear, take heart. In big caps, in enunciated syllables if you will! In an exaggerated dialect, speak it and register this: take heart! Meaning don’t worry, don’t fret, don’t be intimidated, don’t be afraid! As Bishop Brooner would say, “Don’t be afraid, afraid of false evidence appearing real.” My God it’s good to know that we can take comfort-own the security that God’s steering our lives, God’s vessel-us, my life, and your life! He cares for what concerns us. This was made so clear this morning as I sat myself at my desk and prepared for another work day. At the click of a mouse here‘s what was once again revealed during a devotional moment on: Blue Letter Bible.org:
Today's Promise from the Bible
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Take heart in the evident promise of your salvation: that always and forever shall your soul be filled to overflowing with abundant and eternal life! Never shall you thirst. Never shall you dry up. Never shall your soul be parched. Rather take joy in this: unto everlasting shall your heart's thirst be quenched as rivers of God's living water pour down from heaven as you bask in the glory of God's own Son: Christ Jesus.
source: http://promises.blueletterbible.org/
The sentiment of today's devotional lines up so beautifully with my post written during Lenten season: MEET YOU AT THE WELL: HAVING A HEART-TO-HEART WITH JESUS! shared on my blog: Celebrating Ordinary Days With Extraordinary Promises. After reading this post we can breathe much easier. Let’s exhale! God is our very breathe! That’s all the reason to praise the Lord inspirit and in truth!
Let’s prepare for the day ahead and sing about God's glory with Mary Alessi and her anointed friends, We Thirst For You. Come on, come on and be ushered into praise and worship. Listening to the lyrics and participating in this awesome praise and worship you can't help but to react and bask in the glow! The Holy Spirit is speaking. Let the chills run down your spine, the hairs stand up on your arms as your soul relishes that all the hustle and bustle does not negate that our real search is a soul-a heart awakening experience. Why? Because we thirst for Him-more of Him! Jehovah, Friend, Father, Teacher, Lord, Shepard, Mother, Savior, Jesus Christ, Adoni Messiah! Blessings to you today on this refreshing, restorative day!
May Alessi & friends singing: We Thirst For You
Sharing With Great Joy,
Linda Mose Meadows, Urban Views Weekly & Empower Magazine Columnist and Inspirational Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lessons and God’s Promises and Co-publisher of Eyes of Faith Magazine
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