Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Do not depend on your own understanding.
In all your ways remember him.
Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Donnie McClurkin featuring Marvin L. Winans - Live in London
This morning, I was deliberately searching for an uplifting word, possibly a song, a melody something that would speak to my heart and my circumstance. As I read a students’ file, then reviewed an assignment, I stopped and paid attention to the radio. There it was so clear and accurate on the radio-one of my favorite songs by Donnie McClurkin: Who Would Have Thought! It didn’t take long, I had ownership of the song and revelation that the lyrics were my testimony.
Hold tight to your testimonies friend, they build you and shape you and encourage you when life is especially confusing!
I have embedded this Youtube video of Marvin Winnans and Donnie McClurkin for you and hope that you’ll also have opportunity to listen and rejoice because of the truth that is resonated is timely! Think about it friends, so many others have boosted and almost shouted, “I know Jesus!” and “I’m too blessed to be stressed!” “Yes, I am blessed and highly favored!”
We are victorious and well acquainted with God! How do we know? It’s that genuine bounce in your step; that too much too soon responsibility that you carry, which has not caused you to loose your way; that restored joy reborn; that trouble you encounter which causes you to trust, pray and persevere; that hurried pace you move at-you’re on a divine mission ;
that ________, whatever it is that has caused you to become very intimate with God!
I have embedded this Youtube video of Marvin Winnans and Donnie McClurkin for you and hope that you’ll also have opportunity to listen and rejoice because of the truth that is resonated is timely! Think about it friends, so many others have boosted and almost shouted, “I know Jesus!” and “I’m too blessed to be stressed!” “Yes, I am blessed and highly favored!”
That might be their truth; but what of your experience? Some days you may be hard pressed to utter those sentiments. Oh, we realize that the goodness of the Lord, but the weight of the world has us pinned against the wall. Just for an instance, reflect that you too have come through the fire and rain and yes, it was awesome grace and mercy that allowed us not to be consumed by life’s floods and fire! You are enduring, that loss you’ve overcome!
We are victorious and well acquainted with God! How do we know? It’s that genuine bounce in your step; that too much too soon responsibility that you carry, which has not caused you to loose your way; that restored joy reborn; that trouble you encounter which causes you to trust, pray and persevere; that hurried pace you move at-you’re on a divine mission ;
that ________, whatever it is that has caused you to become very intimate with God!
Who would have thought, we got to know God for ourselves!
Indeed you are friends with our creator! On a first name basis! You move and breathe with assurance because you too know God for yourself and never ever have to boost because in your spirit, it’s evident! It’s realized ! Go right ahead, jump shout and praise God and sing with Donnie: “I got to know him in a better way!”
Sharing In Love,
Linda Mose Meadows, Inspirational Columnist & Author:
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's lessons and God's Promises (tate Publishing)
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