"The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers,
but for the wide world's joy."
All star and truly stellar performers:
Walter Coppage, Erik Kilpatrick ,Deidra LaWan Starnes,
Frederick Strother and Kim Sullivan.

This was the Crème De La Crème Birthday celebration!! The verdict is in, the judges have ruled and Richard D. Meadows, Jr. receives 10’s across the electronic board! He made my heart glad and I am so pleased that he placed so much loving care and consideration in providing me with an unforgettably splendid birthday celebration with a trip to Washington, D.C. to spend a star-studded wonderful day in our Nation's Capitol.

Oh friends, I am still reminiscing about the occasion. The first stop was a matinee at the Studio Theatre to see Radio Golf written by my favorite playwright August Wilson. Outstanding! Outstanding! See it or any of August Wilson’s premier plays when they’re at a theatre near you! Sounds like a commercial right? As our friend, Craig says, “Who knew!” I love that–it makes me chuckle.
Each performer brought their A Game. There was so much to contemplate: spiritually, socially and politically? So many questions that begged to be addressed! How are we impacting our world? August Wilson challenges your frame of reference. I left with a greater appreciation for family, our heritage, the wisdom (and antics) of our elders and leaving this universe with our integrity and name in tact! Kudos to the fine actors which were the breathe, the life blood of the production. They were all stellar performers: Walter Coppage, Erik Kilpatrick, Deidra LaWan Starnes, Frederick Strother and Kim Sullivan. It felt as though I'd met new family! At the conclusion of the brilliant performances the cast provided reflections and chatted with the theatre goers. That was such a blessing and a real treat! I thought I was back at Howard University again! I shared that it was a birthday present from Ricky being at the theatre and before long we were taking photos , laughing , chatting and obtaining the cast member’s autographs. The actors were genuinely warm and engaging.

We learned from Deidra that a diner existed aptly entitled: Oohh’s & Aahh’s Soul Food Restaurant owned by Chef Oji Abbott located at 1005 U Street NW. When you're visiting Washington, DC do stop by.
Chef Abbott and his crew have the love of cooking and hospitality down packed! His establishment serves sumptuous home cooking! The meals are prepared with the essence of Grand Mama’s love. No kidding, this is three days later and I have enjoyed my doggie bag for several work lunches. Each morsel is mouthwatering.

We then traveled down U Street and absorbed the sights and jazz sounds of Duke Ellington’s Historic U Street.

Our walking tour included the famous Ben’s Chili Bowl with the painted Panda which greets customers. I understand that business was already super, but since our President Obama has visited, it’s even better!

We wrapped up our tour with a stop at Cake Love, what’s a birthday without desert? It was time to get back on the road, as we walked back to our car, I noticed a poster with picture of the Civil War Memorial, I wanted to learn more about this monument. We found our way to the U St/African-Amer Civil War Memorial/Cardozo Metro station and to my delight there it stood perfectly carved! There are more names than we could imagine (I'll be doing my research). What a fitting salute to our Nation's "Colored" Civil War Veterans. The African American Civil War Memorial , it's handsomely sculpted with the words: The Spirit of Freedom, by Ed Hamilton. This tribute gave me great pride.

We sailed home back to the Virginia Tidewater Area with the top down, (until the thunder and lightning didn’t permit it) with smiles on our faces and dancing hearts. What a super day! Love is truly grand! Thank you Lord for such a precious and wonderful husband!
But as it is written,
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 (King James Version)
Marveling at God's Goodness,
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
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