"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said, among the nations,
"The Lord has done great things for them."
Psalm 126:2
Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center is a precious pearl that sits beautifully nestled in shell of Tidewater’s Newport News, VA. perfectly situated in the heart it’s urban community.
Oh, friends this center reminds me of a heart beat, with a new life blood joyfully pumping. It's really a new enterprising engery source circulating in Newport News. Innovative resources and progrgams are once again available to all that are interested underneathe the roof of The Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center. It's truly alive and thriving with wonderful opportunities to enrich and broaden the minds of the young and not so young persons that hunger for artistic renewal and rejuvennation!
Oh, yes I love it, can't you tell? Downtown Newport News has this unique center open to the public,and I am so proud that this community cultural arts center exists in my back yard. And more importantly it’s open and accessible to the neighborhood , guests and those in Tidewater Virginia!
It’s a marvelous facility that not only celebrates the arts, promotes cultural enrichment, but beckons the visitor to bring their family, friends, churches, classmates and classrooms again and again to partake in the myriad of outstanding activities.
I regret not having my camera with me yesterday evening during my first visit, it was a visual and performing arts banquet. I tried to register as much of the atmosphere mentally as I could stand. I eagerly awaited an evening starring Amber Fisher, Ron Jenkins and Jeffro Jam of Flow Theatre. They provided the Ella Fitzgerald Theatre audience a stellar and moving choreopoem experience.It was a powerful presentation that is forever etched in our hearts and minds. This Off Broadway Stage production of Flow Theatre's Our Young Black Men Are Dying And Nobody Seems To Care, is a unique form of Choreotheater that not only entertains, but empowers the audience to become an important part of our social solution.

I walked, ( but really was skipping in my spirit) through the modern galleries, and peaked in the ladies rooms, smiled at the guards, spoke to the visitors, laughed with my family and enjoyed the overall ambiance.Truly, truly I knew I was blessed to be there. Be sure to visit their web site to learn of the upcoming events and do frequent this place often. You just never know who you’ll meet and what you'll behold !
The doors to The Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center are open folks, come on-step right in and go with the flow!
From My Heart To Yours,
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate, Nov. 2007)http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/
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