Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Romans 12:11
Romans 12:11
Moving towards our destiny with knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient! That’s what I’d sum up Prophetess Juanita’s message for me on Saturday. What an awesome surprise to witness Dr. Juanita Bynum at the Hampton University Convocation Saturday evening. So much has been said and reported about Dr. Juanita Bynum that the average person I am sure would not have been able to withstand that mental and physical pressure cooker experience she recently endured. In my estimation time has revealed an even more ardent warrior for winning souls for Christ.
She has spoken and it is evident that her spirit is resilient! Her sermonic messages and music indicate that her soul remains anchored in the Lord. Dr. Juanita Bynum has managed to beautifully handle the criticism, constant media bombardment and personal assaults and yes, the continuous scrutiny that was meant to harm her not help her. But God fights our battles and she remains truthful to her calling of empowering others through the gospel of Jesus Christ! She is our valiant poster person. She’s blessed and triumphant! My heart is glad about her ability to move ahead!
To God’s testament there she stood this past Saturday, pouring out her soul, espousing the attendees at the Hampton University Convention Center to trust God to take us through hurts and disappointments to the other side. It is true that our trials can be traumatic, but we don’t have to be strangled on defeat or die from them. Prophetess Juanita Bynum reinforced her teaching points with personal testimonies and the Holy Scripture to get the listener to understand and appreciate God’s plan and the necessity required in order to move from our brokenness to victorious living. She further demonstrated the importance of abandoning tradition mindsets that are steeped in religion and tradition. Instead she maintains that we understand our need should be to embrace spirituality rather than religion. Spirituality builds a solid relationship with the Lord. It’s a firsthand intimate knowledge of who we are in relationship to God. We can then move from strictly knowing Him as a distant father figure to the lifter of our souls, our heavenly “daddy.” He desires to loves us and covers us with his strong arm of protection!
Her teaching emphasized the importance of praying to the Lord and honestly sharing our hearts which usher us to a level of thanksgiving - with joyful praise and worship which makes the devil’s efforts of our demise, simply futile. The enemy and his agenda is impenetrable around and through God’s supernatural force field or as scripture reminds us is our hedge of protection. The enemy’s efforts are halted; he can’t ever enter the Holy of Holies.
I sensed that prophetic revelation occurring all the more on Saturday evening. It was such good spiritual food. Surely there was an awakening for the speaker and those who that evening who were witnesses to the goodness of the Lord. I appreciated that moment as I observed her genuinely interacting with the audience speaking prophetically about what sayeth the Lord. It was evident that her anointing is more powerful, urgent and honest!
Juanita Bynum has a timely word that reaches even further to those everyday folks like you and me that are challenged with the complexities of surviving in this age. I really appreciated when she shared that during her most turbulent time in her life, her beloved father-her “daddy” remained her cheerleader, her anchor and confidante. He reminded her to forgive, move beyond her depression, and remember her name!
My soul celebrated that occurrence. Isn’t that what God requires of us? God admonishes us to lean on him but be about His business of sharing the gospel? We must recall: we are accepted, his beloved children and to lean not on our own understanding, but instead to trust Him? Remember that we can take to heart that:
We are Adopted by God.... (Ephesians 1:5)
Have Access to God's Grace..... (Ephesians 2:8+18)
We are Reconciled to God.... (Romans 5:10)
We’ve become a New Creature in Christ ... (2 Corinthians 5:17)
We are Elected (saved)... (1 Peter 1:2)
We have Received an Anointing.... (1 John 2:27)
My soul was bulging with all of the rich revelation and sound knowledge that Dr. Bynum shared as she encouraged us not to be afraid and to embrace spirituality instead of religiosity. To honestly confess our shortcomings, but acknowledge God’s supremacy and magnificence. I particularly appreciated her warning us to stop judging those that aren’t the cookie cutter parishioners and to understand that their spirituality is a personal matter between them and God. She further encouraged us to move from despair to our destinies!
Juanita Bynum I thank you for freely sharing your gifts and providing ample manna from heaven through your anointed message! Yes, it was a heavenly banquet and friends you are invited to partake also. Good news Dr. Bynum will be returning to the Tidewater area on August 19th and 22, 2009. Visit her website to learn about this conference and other speaking engagements at:

Friends, I am sure she’ll be in your neck of the woods too!
From My Heart To Yours
Linda Mose Meadows, Author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises (Tate, Nov. 2007)http://blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/
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