"...I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and
tell of all thy wondorous works."
Ps 26:7 KJV
Much to surprise my camera's batteries were weak and finally died only after I just taken a few pictures. Yes, I was truly disappointed. So my friends, my pictures are only the tip of the iceberg with providing you an accurate visual of the day's activites. Kudos to the founder of The National Christian Writers' Conference, Ms. Renee Bobb (http://www.reneebob.com/) who provided an extraordinary serive for not only those aspiring to become writers, but those published authors seeking more knowledge about the mutli-facted book business/publishing industry on September 20, 2008.
This was my a first for me, being in the company of so many writers, authors and guru's of the publishing business. I believe that although each conference attendee was on an assignment- a divine mission to either promote, share knowlege, glean or simply be encouraged to hold fast to their God given dream(s) or vision(s)-the common denominator for all was sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and attesting to our Lord's consistant goodness.
I was again assured in my spirit that prayer and faith in God are the covering-the essential ingredients for realizing our dreams. I had wisdom enough to understand that I was truly blessed that my steps had been ordered to attend this conference and be exposed to such an anointed group of people.
Here are a few of the resources and anointed individuals that Renee Bobb invited (i.e. editors, authors, entreprenuers, marketing experts, consultants, producers/directors- with ministries that edify and build up others) THAT ARE ENCOURAGING ALL OF US TO CONTINUE TO EMBRACE OUR HEART'S DESIRE THROUGH THIS RESOUNDING THEME OF: "IT'S TIME TO TELL YOUR STORY!"
You may wish to reference their sites and/or contact them:
Nicole Cleveland-http://www.breatheagainmagazine.com/
Leroy C. Mckenzie, Jr.-http://www.jesusneverfails.com/
Francine Humpreys - http://www.marcinedesigns.com/
Wanda Childs- http://www.pushedintomypurpose.com/
Wayne Johnson- http://www.writingforthelord.com/
Cheryl Lacey Donovan-http://www.avirtuouswoman-31.org/
Donna R. Dyson-http://www.myspace.com/inspired2minista2u/
Eugene Williams, Jr. M.Ed.-http://www.wiseducators.com/
Wil LaVeist- http://www.wilaveist.com/
Linda Pate-http://www.preciousmemoriesreading.com/
Reginal O. Johns- Reginaldjohns@hotmail.com
Dwayne M. Clemmons- http://www.rudmc.org/
Tonya Jones- http://www.encouragepress.com/
Tiffany Godfrey- http://www.aboveeveryname.com/
Earle Williams-http://www.drearle.com/
Zophar Bussie-http://Pharreeproductions.com/
Keep the dream alive! Have a great day my friends!
Joyfully Submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing
A Devotional Journey of Life’s Lesson’s and God’s Promises
Enjoy other writings:
Click on Blessed Chronicles
Click on Blessed Chronicles
My sweet, sweet Linda. It was indeed a pleasure meeting you.
Thank you so much for putting a plug in for Breathe Again Magazine.
Stay Blessed
Nicole Cleveland
Chief Editor & Founder
I couldn't help but share this wonderful resource that promotes healing for the soul!! Great work Nicole!! This is an awesome magazine!
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